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Jan 11, 2012
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This is going to sound insane but I am OBSESSED with this idea: why do some people get all the sex that they want, but I don't get anything? Why is my life worth living? How can I be happy with having sex a few times a year, when I could possibly be having sex all day, every day with multiple, hot partners??

I am totally aware that this is a really stupid thing for anyone to say.
since1584 said:
This is going to sound insane but I am OBSESSED with this idea: why do some people get all the sex that they want, but I don't get anything? Why is my life worth living? How can I be happy with having sex a few times a year, when I could possibly be having sex all day, every day with multiple, hot partners??

I am totally aware that this is a really stupid thing for anyone to say.

I guess this is more of a rant for your rather than looking for any sort of advice?

Well then.

I don't think you're alone. Plus, I think there are many on the forum here alone (and I bet so many more out there) who have never even had sex and is yearning for it. So, why don't you count yourself lucky?
since1584 said:
ladyforsaken said:
I guess this is more of a rant for your rather than looking for any sort of advice?

Honest to God, I'd like some advice.

Advice to getting sex all day everyday with multiple hot partners? I'm sorry but that's not really my area of expertise.

I shall let the others who could do better, to advice you on this.
ladyforsaken said:
Advice to getting sex all day everyday with multiple hot partners? I'm sorry but that's not really my area of expertise.

That's okay.

ladyforsaken said:
So, why don't you count yourself lucky?

There's not a woman alive who would ever possibly be willing to go to bed with me, and I'm supposed to consider myself lucky? Yes, I know I said I may have sex a few times a year, but I'm older now and the chances of that happening now are almost zero.
I think you are hitting up the wrong type of forum for that kind of advice.
I thought this would be spam for Viagra or something.
Go to YouTube and search for RSD, watch a couple of videos and you'll get an idea. The "hardcase newbie" vid might be a good start...

Anyways, sex is technically only limited by the money you have... But unless you're rich you're gonna have to develope skills to get the amount of sex you seem to want. I'm on the same path.
Felix said:
Go to YouTube and search for RSD, watch a couple of videos and you'll get an idea. The "hardcase newbie" vid might be a good start...

Anyways, sex is technically only limited by the money you have... But unless you're rich you're gonna have to develope skills to get the amount of sex you seem to want. I'm on the same path.

The way RSD works is it helps the guy who sells those books and DVDs get rich.
theglasscell said:
Felix said:
Go to YouTube and search for RSD, watch a couple of videos and you'll get an idea. The "hardcase newbie" vid might be a good start...

Anyways, sex is technically only limited by the money you have... But unless you're rich you're gonna have to develope skills to get the amount of sex you seem to want. I'm on the same path.

The way RSD works is it helps the guy who sells those books and DVDs get rich.

Same applies to the coke you buy... Nestlé chocolate... and other products that are also produced by ******* up the environment and/or child/slave labor.

And you don't really have to pay them. You an just watch what they have on YT or torrent their stuff.
Sex on demand would be pretty cool though. I think we'd probably put an end to war if such a thing could be accomplished.
Are you approaching women and striking out or are you wanting to be approached and not being(yeah on behalf of my gender, I apologize for that, looks like we're working on it though)?

Sometimes I think (just on observation) that guys go after women dominantly when they want partners on equal footing(most of the time- I myself think that dom/sub relationships don't fit well into casual situations.) also any of the other mismatch situations possible.

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