Whoa, a lot has gone on here since I last stuck my head around the door and had a look in!
We seem to have gone from Peaches asking how to gently discourage a guy she was not interested in, without hurting his feelings, into some rather murkier waters.
However I think we have some interesting tips here, on how to be yet another lonely bloke,

. What you have to do is simple, chaps. . .
You get a chip on your shoulder about your looks, and you allow it to get nice and big.
Then, you present yourself to women with a jerkish attitude, which will piss off any half way decent woman.
You do a bit of this until your shoulder chip is huge, blaming the
women you encounter as being the problem, and becoming angry, bitter and misogynistic.
If you do have a relationship with a woman who is attracted to being emotionally abused by misogynistic jerks (probably because she is neurotic and has daddy issues or other issues with men and relationships) you will use her then despise her as needy, clingy, neurotic and whatever.
After a number of years around the hamster wheel, you are rather older, and have enough money to go to Thailand or Russia (or another country with a lower standard or living than yours), for a bride, where, unlike the
materialistic girls in the West who are only after handsome men, or men with money, you will find a decent simple girl. She will of course be clear that she doesn't like the men of her own age in her own country, and,
providing you send her money and/or marry her to get her out of her country of origin to a golden future, will truly love you...... Of course she may bilk you of your cash and disappear, but hey, just confirms your opinion of women, so that's all good, then.
So now you know how to be a bitter, miserable, old, lonely misogynistic git. Any takers?