Would you rather..

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urine (it would go down quicker)

Would you rather

Live for only 10 years as a millionaire


for an eternity in poverty
10 years as a millionaire

Would you rather staple your butt cheeks together for 24 hours and have to eat spicy Mexican food OR eat 1/4 of a dead hobo, but you get to choose which 1/4 you have to eat.
LOL Staple my butt cheeks together, and eat spicy Mexican food.

Would you rather live in a world without experiencing luscious scents, or live in a world with out a luscious sense of touch?
Hmmm, that is a tough one. I'll have to say live without scents.

Would you rather have to clean up dried egg white or dried pancake batter?
OMG both are horrendous to clean without a chisel

Errrm ? Egg white

Would you rather make a fool of yourself on TV


be ' boo'ed' off stage
Wow, good one. I would say being booed.....I'm quite thick-skinned. :)

Would you rather be stuck without an umbrella in a rainstorm or without a jacket in a blizzard?
Rainstorm without the umbrella

Would you rather slam your fingers in a car door or hit the top of your head on an open cabinet door?
Tiger - they go for the jugular.

Would you rather listen to someone sing horribly or listen to someone with an annoying laugh?
^^^Naked in a storm, definitely. I love storms.

Would you rather drink chocolate milk or vanilla milk?
Butter...but over the course of a week with a lot of baked potatoes.

Would you rather make love to a zombie with a gag (the gag is for the zombie, not you) OR pass gas LOUDLY every time you spoke a word with the vowel E.

PS I just wiki'ed fart. Hilarious! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fart
Zombie Channing Tatum and I won't need the gag.

Would you rather eat a deviled egg or a scrambled egg?

scrambled egg

Would you rather see a horrible movie, or sit on a very long train ride?
Fustar said:

Oh hell yes. I would take Mr. Tatum in any form I could get him, lol.

JasonM said:
Most movies seem horrible these days so it's not really a big thing.

Would you rather A or B.

^agreed....I heard talk of Casablanca being remade....is Hollywood *totally* out of ideas now??

I'll take 'A', I suppose.

If you were a dog, would you rather play fetch or frisbee?

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