Would you rather..

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jip 33 spear njp b2 jik tp 1 11 leg takedown... I like to be confusing.

Would you rather take everything literally or figuratively?
LOL young grasshopper I see?

Hrm, cant respond both... I suppose literally

Would you rather small talk with a stranger or listen to an old friend tell same story over & over again
ucxb said:
LOL young grasshopper I see?

It was a bread and butter combo for Scorpion - a character in Mortal Kombat. It was the only thing that came to mind when you said grasshopper or Scorpion.


Technically, we all live in space. I know what you mean though and I'd sign up for the Mars One project if I thought I'd be accepted.

Would you rather die early or accept a mediocre existence?
Its a trick question ! either would be selfish ! And need to know what the red button does !

Would you rather be delightfully mysterious or bat-crap crazy?
Cook the food

Would you rather attend a food eating contest or a belly dance competition
Well I do look good in black and white stripes and I like handcuffs :)

Would you rather win the lottery or find real love?

Would you rather read a book or listen to an audio book
Depends on the persons voice doing the reading.

Would you rather receive 1 big gift or several small ones spread out over a few weeks?

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