Would you rather..

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Either !

Would you rather dance in the rain or chase fireflies
Ooooo hmmmm eeeerrrr I think several small ones :).

Would you rather change a nappy or clean the toilet :p
^Dance in the rain

I had to look up what a nappy was, really either, but I will go with toilet because I can suit up with lots of protective gear if its really bad, where with a baby its pretty much just your hands and a wipe. :)

Would you rather go on a safari or a cruise?

Would you rather swim with dolphins or go camel back riding
Walk 5 miles, only because I am famous for falling off bikes very easily :p.

Would you rather be stranded on a raft in the sea, or lost in the mountains.
Watch a movie

Would you rather go on a picnic or fancy restaurant
Poor & loved of course

Would you rather be a child again or retired
Tough choice. Childhood has it's fair share of heartache and everything is confusing, but retirement is just one step closer to my inevitable end. Childhood, I guess.

Would you rather face your problems or hide away?

Would you rather be on a ship for 32 hours or an airplane for 14 hours
14 hours on an airplane, loved to see where I got to :).

Would you rather have a cup of tea and cake or a beer and crisps
Hmm, right now tea & cake

Would you rather take dance or tai chi lessons ?

Would you rather have actual dance shoes with a leather bottom or regular shoes that you glued leather to the bottom of?
I have no idea which would be better, but I suppose I would go with actual dance shoe, as I have never owned any :).

Would you rather drive a sports car or a monster truck :)
Urgh I suppose be used, wouldn't want to take advantage.

Would you rather have a takeaway and dvd or meal and cinema.

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