Would you rather..

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Hmm thats tough I would want them to know everything but not necessarily in one mind meld, in little mind melds over time.

Would you rather risk being embarrassed trying to express your feelings, or just keep your feelings to yourself?
I'd love to take the risk, I'm afraid I'd chicken out though.

Would you rather have one thing to eat for the rest of your life or one thing to drink?
One thing to drink, I guess.

Would you rather sleep at a rocking chair or sleep in a hammock?
I think I'd be more likely to get into and be comfortable in a rocking chair, but I'd be able to not sleep anywhere with the right person to cuddle up to :)

Would you rather lose your house keys or your way of getting home?
Cry, but I cry when angry some times too, true story

Would you rather eat chocolate caramel bar or fruit salad
Depends on my mood really.

Would you rather wear a pair of boots or just a pair of sneakers?
Depends on how cute the boots are :p

Would you rather walk somewhere nice hand in hand or cuddle up on the sofa in front of the fire.
Walk hand in hand up to the sofa then cuddle up next to the fire.

Would you rather watch a stove pipe being installed, and a roof put on, or miss them both to go hang out with someone special?
*Blinks* really? Someone special gets my time over a roof!

Would you rather have a sex change, or become anatomically androgynous?
Hmm both are super, but giggling like a kiddo is the best !

Would you rather take a road trip during the day or at night?
Shoes. :p

Would you rather sing or tell a joke for entertainment at your best friend's wedding?
Hmm, a joke would be easy. Singing would be really hard though, plus I have a voice like Frank Sinatra after talent removal surgery. I'll have to go with joke because I wouldn't get dragged off stage!

Would you rather have a box that contained whatever your stomach desired when you open it, or a purse/wallet that contained the exact amount of money you needed for the purchase you're making?
I'd rather have the wallet, then I'd just buy whatever it was that my stomach was craving.

Would you rather sing in front of a crowd or pose naked for life drawing class?
Hmm, I guess sing both would cause a panic attack

Would you rather cliff dive or sky dive

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