Would you rather..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Would you rather take a shower after you wake or drink coffee ?
Definately after I'm awake, not nice to be woken up in a shower, even more not nice to be woken up in a shower while someone else is taking a shower (don't ask)

Would you rather eat a mouthful of something nasty or be stuffed too full of something you like for a bet?

Would you rather eat chocolate dipped grasshopper or cajun spiced fried cricket
To be honest, I'd happily try both. Sound delicious.

Would you rather wake up naked in a packed auditorium or fully clothed in a nude sauna?
Fully clothed

Would you rather go shopping for shoes or groceries
I like both, probably shoes as I buy them less....

Would you rather go to the supermarket or get it delivered...
I'd rather go, as the small amounts I get would probably get me banned

D'oh thought I was in a different one...

Would you rather be caught eating a swan or fighting one?
Umm.. neither lol. Swans are so beautiful.

Would you rather jump like a frog or glide like a snake on dirty muddy land?
Jump like a frog :)

Would you rather walk away and cool down or kiss and let it go after an argument....
Middle Earth would be cool.

Would you rather have a plain small home in an extraordinary location or an extraordinary home in an ordinary location?
Life, life, life. Long life.

Would you rather sit or stand?
Well, I can't do it forever, but when I go places I prefer to stand.

Would you rather watch fireworks or a sunrise?
Fireworks, I find the sunrise best experienced when asleep :p

Would you rather skydive or scuba dive?

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