Would you rather..

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Would you rather walk 5 miles or cycle 20 miles
Walk 5 miles...I infamously fall off bikes very easily :D

Would you rather be trapped on a desert island with a bully from school days or an ex...
An ex, at least there can be some sort of reconciliation.

Would you rather be found with no pants on or be found by someone with no pants on?
Be found by someone with no pants on, much more entertaining :D

Would you rather go to Moon or travel to the bottom of the Ocean....
Moon, there's some scary honeysuckle down near the bottom of the ocean!

Would you rather lose your sense of taste (on your tongue) or your sense of taste (like dress sense)?
Lose my dress sense, I could get someone else to dress me :D

Would you rather have indian meal or chinese meal as a takeaway (a savy way of choosing my tea :D)
Usually chinese unless I'm mega hungry and can afford the massive indian

Who would you rather have dress you, one person or a different person each time?
Desert, starter is just a small main course.

Would you rather the ability to wish away problems, or the ability to work them all out?
Right now wish them away.

Would you rather go on a beach holiday or a skiing holiday
I think I'll have to have no preference on this one, I'm either going to be the idiot who fell asleep in the sun or the dolt who fell off the skis and broke his arm on the way out to the slope

Although if it wasn't just laying around on the beach or just skiing then beach.

Would you rather be able to tell when someone was lying, or be able to always hear the truth from people?
Be able to always hear the truth from people. I've been hurt too many times by the lack of this from them.

Would you rather play truth or dare?
Dare, some people have asked me things I can't answer (for various reasons) and ended up taking dares I didn't want to...

Would you rather have one person find you irresistable, or everyone find you pretty cool?
If it's unstable enough for me to be falling off a lot, screw it pants can be washed.

Hopefully you'll be the one who see this next when I ask would YOU rather play truth or dare?
Lmao why me? I'd rather do truth lol I'm too chicken to do a dare.. of any sort.

Would you rather for a swim or go for a run?
Well, you because you asked the question first!

I'd rather swim, mainly because I can't run too far yet. I'd love to be able to run for miles though, I really want to partake in an ultra distance race.

Same question, only would you rather do it alone or with someone?
I'd rather run.. I suck at swimming... can't really swim :p
And I'd rather do it alone... I'm anti-social like that.. haha.

Would you rather make a new question or re-ask the same question by the previous poster?
Would YOU rather make a ... wait that's the wrong game.
I don't often re-ask, but when I do I feel it's too good a question to just be answered by me

Would you rather your loved one could know everything about you Vulcan Mind Meld style or keep some things back even though they offered to share everything with you?

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