I used to think people were good. They just didn't understand the bad that they did. So, if you showed them they would see that and not do it again. But, nope. Many people are just ****.
No. We've escaped the cold front here. I think it got up to 68F today.
Certainly. It's really nice to go hiking when it's really cold out. You can go and go and go without over heating. But, if you stop it's bad because you're usually a little wet from sweat.
Would you stop recycling if everybody else did too?
Well, to be honest, I don't often recycle. I know I should hang my head in shame. LOL I do know at one point it didn't matter if it was in the recycle can or if it was in the trash can because it all got hauled to the same place.
Ha! ha! Yeah, that's true. When China quite buying our recycled garbage there was no back up plan. So, most jurisdictions just treated recycle just like trash. Many probably still do. So, no reason to feel any shame.
Yes. I'll be glad when everybody goes back to work.