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No. I don't really care about exploring outerspace. I'd rather we fix the problems here before we screw up other planets.

Do you think Nuclear Fussion is actually going to be used to power the world in the near future? Supposidely they made a huge step forward recently.
Oh I think space exploration is exciting. I have followed it way back when it was Gemini and mercury and Apollo..

That is a really good question. I was really wondering the same thing.

Same question
IMO, Nuclear Fision actually being productive is a LONG ways off like many decades or more.

Do you think the polliticians would even allow Nuclear Fision to replace all the stuff they've been cramming down everybody's throats in order to 'save' the planet, which isn't actually working except to make a few people rich and get kickbacks?
Well, I don't really know because, to be honest, I don't really understand a lot about it. But since this is a yes or no thread, I will just say that yes they would allow it.

Do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?
I don’t know about evil but I think some people no matter how they are raised, their environment, their experiences or any other factor is going to have little to do with that person being evil or good.

Same question
Yeah I guess if it was dehydrated too long. Ive never eaten any that was too tough for me to eat though.

Do you like venison jerky?
I believe so. I used to frequently eat at a Korean buffet many years ago. The spicer the better. I would eat dried octopus for desert. It was very yummy.

Brush your teeth more then once a day?
No, not every day. I do love the little flosser sticks. I use a good many of those daily.

Do you sleep with your pets?
I do my thing on the winter solstice and yes I have a meal and other things planned. I did most of my decorating and prep today.

Have you ever watched the Shrek movies?