Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️

Honestly, thank yous are both over and underdone nowadays, I would hate to embarrass anyone, but ...
I feel wrong ranting about my life and not even taking a moment to say thank you to people who was there for me.
I was in hospital for nearly a month, when I had no one, I had people on here who cared
@Finished checked in on me and still managed to make me laugh and well
@Tryingtosurvive called me every single day, didn't even care about the annoying beeping machines I was hooked up to lol
People who sent me well wishes, engaged with some posts that were very heavy, well, I thank you all.
I just have to thank you because I don't know.... honestly I don't know...
Just thanks guys

Thanks for being good humans in this awful world, hope this brightens your day as you've helped me out of some dark ones.
Ceno ole girl! x