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CHatGPT is going to take my job, and I have no idea, what proffesions will still exist in a few years or how to live further :rolleyes: I'm so deep in dept...
How is it that the astronauts were free falling from the ISS in the movie Ad Astra? Does gravity work at that height?

There is no scene of astronauts falling from the ISS in the movie Ad Astra.

I believe you are referring to the scene represented in the above image. That scene depicts Brad and a colleague falling from a fictional structure called “the International Space Antenna”.

That structure is not an orbiting spacecraft. It is simply a very, very tall tower attached to the Earth surface.

Gravity doesn’t just stop at some distance.
Gravity is the curvature of the fabric of spacetime due to the presence of mass.
This curvature causes nearby bodies to accelerate towards that mass.
It is through that acceleration that we perceive gravity.

If I drop an apple, it falls towards the Earth’s surface because the Earth is gravitationally accelerating that apple. If I were to lift that apple straight up, 250 miles (400 km) to the height of the ISS and let go, that apple would fall back towards the Earth, just like the apple that I dropped from 6 feet (2 meters), but with slightly less initial acceleration.

That acceleration does decrease with distance.

Gravity is a “one over radius squared” acceleration.
That means that the acceleration decreases proportionally to the square of the increase in distance. Mathematically that means that it only really becomes zero when the radius is infinity.
In practicality, once a body gets far enough away, the gravitational influence of other bodies becomes dominant and the very small influence can be negligible, but it is still there.

The astronauts in the real ISS are experiencing the Earth’s gravitational acceleration.
In fact, their distance from the Earth only reduces that acceleration by about ten percent.
Those astronauts are in free fall, just like Brad’s character, when he falls from the antenna.
But the ISS astronauts don’t fall to Earth.
The reason for that is that they are in orbit.
The ISS travels horizontally at great speed.
The result is that the combination of the ISS falling towards Earth and the horizontal motion is a curved path that circles the Earth.

Brad’s character, lacking that orbital speed, simply travels downward (well, downward with a small horizontal component because he is initially traveling in a larger circle than someone on the Earth surface.
The closest to this scenario, experienced in real life, was when Felix Baumgartner jumped from a balloon that had hoisted him to 24 miles (38.6 km) above the Earth surface.
I've heard the story that if you see 11:11 , that means that your name is written in the book of life. :D

So .....

cloocks.png clooocks.png

I have this problem. xD
Was scrolling through this thread earlier, and some others lately, looking at a lot of old posts.

User this and that number. So many accounts deactivated, that were once such vibrant members of the community.
That, or members whose accounts are still here, but have just stopped showing up.
I enjoyed reading their posts every day, having a laugh, a thought, or a feel to it. There sure were some characters here, these last couple years.

I've been kind of bummed about it lately.
Was scrolling through this thread earlier, and some others lately, looking at a lot of old posts.

User this and that number. So many accounts deactivated, that were once such vibrant members of the community.
That, or members whose accounts are still here, but have just stopped showing up.
I enjoyed reading their posts every day, having a laugh, a thought, or a feel to it. There sure were some characters here, these last couple years.

I've been kind of bummed about it lately.
Yes it is a little saddening.
I don’t get how there are app updates every second day these days, some of them quite large (like the whole app is replaced practically) and yet, the annoying things that some apps present just don’t get attended to.

And I Really Really hate how too many apps and other social media platforms and other various websites don’t have a satisfactory communications ability.

Take FB for example; there are things that require reporting, but you can’t freeform any comment and the options available to report said item aren’t relevant.

Another example; I recently started using a new video editor and need some questions answered, but its website is pathetically adorned with only simple tutorials, the FB page admins won’t get around to approving my join request, and the YouTube channel NEVER answers a single question asked of them.

And while I’m ranting, I get so annoyed at seeing people whine about decent apps and software not being free all the time, especially when at the same time they’re wanting people to spend money on their own projects.

Oh boy, my head has just got on a roll and I can start on a few more peeves, but that’s not going to cheer me or anyone up.
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Something about French fries. Terpentene. Aunt.

(These are random thoughts. Just going down the what's new list)
Na na na na na na na na Batman!! First superhero to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!! Nananananananana Batmaaannn!!!
I'm thinking about how much time I have left and how to use it in a meaningful way. It's getting harder every day. Maybe I should end it.
I'm thinking about how much time I have left and how to use it in a meaningful way. It's getting harder every day. Maybe I should end it.
It's easy to think that way. I've thought that way many a time. Too many times. Finding things in life is an objective to seriously consider. Go explore. You just don't know what you will find, or who, that will make an impact in your life. Perhaps it's you that will make an impact on someone else's life. Whether one believes in God or not, when you think about it, your life was given to you by some sort of energy. It was given you to to you with as you wish, and like any gift, you should cherish it and make the most of it. It's easy to quit, it's easy to do nothing, it's easy to choose the less difficult, less challenging, less confrontational, but when you decide to take chances, presented opportunities, even calculated risks, you just don't know what doors will open for you. I tell myself this almost every day. I also tell myself, "I'm a good person. I deserve to be happy. I won't throw away the possibility of missing out on good things."

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