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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2008
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There are too many people in the world, so the people in charge want to kill 95% of them so we can start worshipping the earth again.

Whether or not you believe in the book of Revelation, there are not only those who do, but there are those are intentionally making it happen. Whether or not it is divinely inspired, it is in the works.
I read about this in discover magazine a couple of years ago. The basic idea is that they have a virus that 10% of the population is immune to. They release the virus and 90% of the population dies. It was just an idea proposed by some scientists.

There is actually a book series by the Christian author Ted Dekker called "The Circle Trilogy" that goes into this topic a bit.

This idea plays off the same utilitarian ideas that advocate not feeding the starving or helping the poor. If we don't waste resources on them then they will die. If we do then they will reproduce and we will have to spend even more resources on their children. Its better if we let them die out before starting multiple generations of suffering and wasted resources. That is a really bad summary but you get the idea.

The fact that people won't be able to control who survives and who doesn't is the reason this hasn't happened yet. There will be no one in charge. Most of the last 10% would likely die off on their own. We would probably be at something like .5% if this ever did happen.
I have moved this thread, as I see religious factors in it, to the miscellaneous section.
My bad. Actually the report has nothing to do with religious issues, my little statement is just a guess because the freemasons do read masonic bibles, which are just bibles with some chapters on solomon and his temple. Nevertheless I suspect they are intentionally trying to fulfill it.
Okay, not completely the same, but it appears PETA thinks the world has too many humans too...

"Human overpopulation is crowding out animal life on the planet, and dog and cat overpopulation is creating a euthanasia crisis that is a crying shame. Disappearing wilderness, vanishing water resources, and pollution is the price that future generations will pay for more human births, while losing their lives is the price that millions of homeless dogs and cats pay when guardians neglect to "fix" their companion animals."

*shakes head and walks away*
We do have too many humans. Too many humans is the reason GMO food came about, the reason we can't live within our resources, and -in my opinion- the reason so many people are unhappy, and so many people are sick. We are overcrowded, and we poison ourselves with modern conveniences and shallow faux-luxuries: Energy drinks, sugary foods and candies, carpets and building materials packed with formaldehyde, 'wonderful' plastics which leach BPA and estrogen-like chemicals in to our food and drink. Poisonous pharmaceuticals.

I would love a lessened population where I could go a summer weekend without 20,000 city people invading my rural area.

What are we supposed to do, just keep growing and having kids? What happens when we run out of places to PUT them? I cannot debate that every extra life makes the sum of the world less enjoyable for everyone. They encroach on the wilderness that is left, on our remaining farmland, and -in the best case scenario-, make the squallor and putrid stench of cities gradually worse.

The problem, though, is that the powers-that-be want to have control over the depopulation process. It won't be natural, it won't be responsible (ie, a couple of generations opting to have no more than two children by their own intelligent decision). It will be ugly, and it will be to the benefit of the ultra-wealthy. (If you think the wealthy have anyone but themselves in mind, you are living in a hole. "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." -Warren Buffett, 2006)

Anybody who doesn't suspect this and writes it off as a 'conspiracy theory' is a damned fool too afraid of losing the aforementioned conveniences to question it all. There are ******* UN officials, politicians, and university scholars ON RECORD talking about eugenics and population control. Documents DECLASSIFIED BY OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT SOURCES detailing plans for controlling populations. Read the link, then see the original document at the end of the page. You can't even DEBATE that, it's got ******* Henry Kissinger's signature right on it!

I do think there's way too many folks on the globe as is, and feeding, housing and providing a proper standard of living for them all them is a joke. Problem is of course, you can't just wish away all these people. At least I'm not contributing to overpopulation, heh, not that I could. :p

Ach, whole issue leaves me distraught...
Tellin' ya, Japan has it right, whether they realize it or not.

Just have less kids.

Few generations and it's all good. Resume routine breeding :p
Brian said:
...(If you think the wealthy have anyone but themselves in mind, you are living in a hole. "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." -Warren Buffett, 2006)

That is a little misleading in that Mr Buffett was not supporting the situation. That comment came up when he discovered that he was paying in taxes, a smaller percentage of his taxable income than any of his office employees. I took it as a statement of his view of the situation and was actually an expression of disapproval. Still i don't believe that his view is typical and most of the wealth feel that things are as they should be, or that they are carrying too much of the load.

A global islamofascist caliphate is coming anyway, it will only be hastened by Western societies having less children. While we wither, they grow and spread. At the world's population peak, we will all be carrying Qu'rans and wearing Burkas.

Oh ****, did I say that out loud?
Brian said:
Tellin' ya, Japan has it right, whether they realize it or not.

Just have less kids.

Few generations and it's all good. Resume routine breeding :p
...and that's why Japan is having major social problems right now :)

There were lots of papers and experiments done by Buckminster Fuller that dealt with earth's resources and self sustaining societies. We have enough resources on the earth to provide for every human alive and every human in the future. The problem is who is in control of the resources and what is done with them.

It's not the amount of people that is the issue. It's the irrational selfishness of the people who are in control of our resources.

Population control is a pointless, temporary, and unnecessary solution to our problems.

I guess my philosophy regarding available space is way different than yours.

Just because we HAVE it, doesn't mean we need to pack more people in it. That's actually my biggest gripe. I live in an area where, if it were just 'us' who live here, is fairly sparsely populated. You can't see your neighbor unless you choose to live in town, we have strong community ties and a very low percentage of violent crimes, and you can go hiking or fishing, mountain biking or whatever and have plenty of solitude if you want it, or go along with a group if you don't.

In the summer, all the city people come up here to their stupid summer homes and their camp trailers, and you can't spit without hitting somebody from Washington. The lakes are all too crowded to enjoy, the trails are packed, campgrounds are full...summer here basically sucks.

Just because you have space, doesn't mean you need to fill it. I'm glad I'm not living in the era where we're all living in skyscraper condo complexes.

Perhaps I'm mistaken on the context of Mr. Buffett's quote. I still stand behind the fact that there ARE conspiracies to control the masses, or at least shepherd them in the 'proper' direction, and that the super-wealthy are behind it.

Starman said:
the internet is a mine of disinformation

Please tell me that's not directed at my paragraph about NSSM 200? It's impossible to debate, the original document is right here, straight from a government source if that makes it more valid: don't feel like other people should be allowed to enjoy the trails, lakes, and campgrounds? We should restrict everyone's right to have children and/or kill a percentage of the population just so you can enjoy your solitude?

I'll quote what I said earlier.
Kamya said:
It's not the amount of people that is the issue. It's the selfishness of the people who are in control of our resources.

To anyone that agree with depopulation....
Please take the next flight out to my home town so I can put a bullet
in your fucken head. Lets put this theory or idea into practice.
Stand up for what you belive in N stop ******* around.
I want actions not words...:p

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