Do You Get Along Better With Those Of The Same Sex As You, Or The Opposite?

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Women, I just feel more comfortable talking with them, certainly about what I'm really thinking.
I think I get along better with women. I've always had more female friends growing up so I guess that makes sense.
This is a quite a relevant subject to me and I was discussing it with a certain Lady friend I met on here ;)

Anyway we came to some conclusions:

1. That it is human nature to seek out companionship, friendship or interaction with the opposite sex.

2. That very often same sex friends will, maybe subconsciously, compete with one another, size each up other up as rivals perhaps, and that with opposite sex friendships that competitiveness is absent.

Does anyone else agree or disagree?
I agree with No. 1
I just feel more comfortable and natural with female friends.
as far as competition with guys.. i'm not sure that comes into play for me personally, I think its more down to the point that guys tend to not get too personal with each other. we don't talk about troubles or issues we may have with our wives/girlfriends or anything else in the "feelings" dept.
I can't imagine going to work and saying " hey Dave, how are things going with your wife? how are you feeling today? do you want to sit and talk about it?" lol
he would just look at me strange and say.. err no!
and really, I think we all need that sometimes.
so as for myself, I feel I can be myself and open up more without having to relinquish my Man-card .
Both, it's all down to the person for me, not the gender.
It all depends on the person I believe. I have good friends of both sex's.
I used to have several friends of the opposite sex (guys) but in the last ten years or so women and women only. Why is that? I don't know, sometimes I have the feeling that guys don't like me, most of them
9006 said:
Both, it's all down to the person for me, not the gender.

^Ditto. I am equally comfortable with both. The personality traits that attract or repel me are the same for either gender.
Online, unless someone dislikes me just because I'm female, I like to think I get along with most people at an equal level. In real life I'm more comfortable talking with women-identified folks. I'm a sensitive person and I appreciate that they seem to be more aware of subtleties in body language, facial expressions and speech patterns. Although sometimes I really hate this, cuz I can't hide. :)
hmm if I had to pick one, I'd say guys but I have gal friends too who I love!
Edward W said:
This is a quite a relevant subject to me and I was discussing it with a certain Lady friend I met on here ;)

Anyway we came to some conclusions:

1. That it is human nature to seek out companionship, friendship or interaction with the opposite sex.

2. That very often same sex friends will, maybe subconsciously, compete with one another, size each up other up as rivals perhaps, and that with opposite sex friendships that competitiveness is absent.

Does anyone else agree or disagree?


Of course, I am with both points.

I find that a lot of times, when I make friends with ladies in my location, they tend to want to size up. I mean, come on, I'm very not competitive and I just wanna talk and be nice... no need to check me out to see if she's better than me or not. Maybe it's just the type of people I've been meeting.. but oh well, it doesn't quite bother me anyway, just makes me tired of trying to make friends unless they are the ones approaching me.
Overall, I would say guys. Most of my friends have always been guys. There hasn't been a time when I am good friends with more girls then guys. I think that as I can relate to guys more, they make better friends for me.
During my life, I've had more male friends than female friends, but almost all of my closest friends have been female. I think it's because I'm very in touch with my emotions and I'm very open with my feelings; I find that draws suspicion from most males, but draws respect from most females.
Opposite sex >.< It's always been awkward for me to talk to girls even though I am one! I think it's due to pretty much my being the only girl among my families.
I can "get along" with most people, but more so with other guys simply because in my experience men are easier going and hence easier to know. It's not necessarily that's there's more in common even, just women are a bit more neurotic and judgemental at the 'getting to know you' stage or I've come to assume they will be and care less and less about trying to overcome that.
Not like I haven't had women friends, but they were mostly people I'd known for ages.

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