Do You Get Along Better With Those Of The Same Sex As You, Or The Opposite?

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I couldn't even compare. It's up to the person, but in the past few years, I've caught myself more actively gravitating around women. No offense to the men out there.
perfanoff said:
I couldn't even compare. It's up to the person, but in the past few years, I've caught myself more actively gravitating around women. No offense to the men out there.

It's so weird how your brain can work. I read this as "In the past few years, I have caught myself more actively gyrating around women. No offense..."

I thought "None taken! Your pic looks fine, but I don't want you pelvic thrusting next to me"

That was when I realised my error and breathed a sigh of relief. :D
Haha that's an awesome world :D

Now if I actually said that, I would be even more awesome than LimLim :p

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