AppleEater said:
Sigh* can't win can you ? So what should I think ? All of the points of view seem very twisted and weird.
Ok, I'm going to be blunt.
It is YOUR point of view that is twisted and weird, and if you had bothered to read what everyone else was saying to you, you would have seen they were all saying much the same thing.
All your preconceptions... are wrong. I can say this quite happily, because... guess what? I've already experienced far more life than you have.
I KNOW you will read this and stick to your guns anyway. Having preconceptions is like a security blanket.. it lets you hide from the truth so that you can go on behaving the way you already are. It will even give you some small comfort for a while.
Until you take responsibility for your own life, and stop blaming others for your own shortcomings, NOTHING will change. You could easily be in exactly the same situation 5,10,20 years from now.
Why do you think EVERYONE on this thread disagrees with you? I mean.. c'mon. Use a modicum of reasoning ffs.