Hate being Asian

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Chris 2

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
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There are many things wrong with being an Asian male especially living in America and having to deal with BS American media portrayal of Asian!

There are things that separate "Asian" from "Non-Asian" of course u never heard of "Black" from "Non-Black" because Asian are a lot different from everyone else.

One thing I just sometime can't understand is the height issue. I don't know why I have to be a lot shorter than my white counter part. Why must I have to look up at people rather than on the same level? Another thing why don't Asian have facial hair? It make us look a lot more like kids than adult, and sure who wouldn't want to look young but it doesn't help with how non Asian girls view us. If u are White, Black, or Hispanic and haven't notice this, then I say good day to you all, because these things cross my mind a few times a day.

Now there are a lot more things, but I'm tire, and quite frankly fed up. Please give me your opinion and comment. BTW I am only 5'8.5.
samba101 said:
Your not that short at all I'm 5 ft 5.

YE but your a girl :p

Well am english dude and am only 5,4

To be honest its not a thing that's ever bothered me to much. Nearly everyone I know is taller then me. So what?
I m Asian too dude. From India. I m only 5'9.5 Doesnt matter and facial hair idk that. I have hair on my face and hey you look young for ever?????????????????

I m jealous for this. Wish I was you
Sanal said:
I m Asian too dude. From India. I m only 5'9.5 Doesnt matter and facial hair idk that. I have hair on my face and hey you look young for ever?????????????????

I m jealous for this. Wish I was you

Only 5'9.5 OMG, your huge lol
Well, I'm only 5 ft :p Course, I'm a girl, but that's still pretty short, wouldn't you agree? Not that it ever bothered me, really.

And, wait, Asians really don't have facial hair?? I never paid attention, but now that I'm thinking I really can't recall an Asian man with a beard. How is that a problem though? I hate beards personally. And looking young rocks. Do you seriously wanna look old?
What the fresia do you want pubes on your face for? This honeysuckle is aggravating.

Also you guys CAN grow those awesome mongol goatees, they trump all other facial hairs.

Also us Hispanics are short too, big whoop.

Stop trying to compare yourself to whitey, that's your problem.
NakitaKita said:
Chris 2 said:
1.Why must I have to look up at people rather than on the same level?
2.Another thing why don't Asian have facial hair? It make us look a lot more like kids than adult, and sure who wouldn't want to look young but it doesn't help with how non Asian girls view us.

1. There are girls out there of different race that are shorter than you. Don't give up on that...also i've seen some tall asians too so I don't think its something that will completely doom the race.

2. Are you kidding me thats a plus... Just think when you turn 45 or around 50 you'll still be a sexy stud. Have you seen Makoto Nagano he's freaking hot for his age.

I really beg to to differ on your view ... short, tall no hair or hair... asians are the *%$#.

Thanks but I beg to differ. Why would I want to wait to be in my 40? I'm young and what matter is NOW, plus it probably wouldn't matter after college cause I could care less cause I would be living away from society somewhere. As only god or some higher being known why I can't make friends.....

And college girls don't like young looking guy.
It's not exactly a thrill a minute being a boring looking white guy either. I do what I can, but it's often difficult to distinguish myself from the idiot rednecks that populate my community.

It's even worse in the fact that I stupidly bought a pickup.

I take that back...I love my truck. :p
That self hate...is a killer. And it starts all in your head.
External trash or interal trash...Clean the honeysuckle out.

You gatta stop the self defeating crazy mindtalk...it's creating a mind storm.
Just google...do reserch, read and follow the instructions.

Please don't tell me I'm not yellow enough for ya or don't understand where you're coming from.
I get it...it exist ..surely I can't denial that.
Obviousely my sisters where god **** china dolls beauty queens but somehow or another
i was made to feel like i was the dregs of society. As if i fell out of a different tree.

But when it comes to self defeating and beating up on myself crap....the ball is in my court.
It's like i can call everyone ******** but mentally and emotionally beat myself up in the head.

Take back your life. Give a girl a reason to love you. Show her there's love inside of you....
You can't love anyone unless you love yourself.
If you treat yourself like crap....it's habits...then how in the hell are you going to treat a girl?
That's the order or arrangement for love. The more love you have for yourself the more love
you will attract...that's the law of the universe.

when i was 22...i didn't give a fresia what anybody thought about me.
I was young, dum, and full of cum....oh freaken well, i had an attitude.
But at least i wanted to live , right , wrong or indifferent.
I didn't give a fresia if my inlaws are biggets..I freaken married her anyways.
fresia it..if they can't take a joke...right in the middle of freaken TX where there's plenty of biggets.

But you know....not all people are like that , even there. So i can't throw a blanket or stereo type
I am O.K with being Asian.
Sometimes I wish long eyelashes tho.
Yes I am Asian without long eyelashes.

What we need is self-confidence first not appearance.
I am thanks for two arms and two legs and 10 fingers.
If you want to look nice than you now you can get helps from fashionable side, hair style gives 80% impression of you, or make your body shape.

Aging is killing me. Oh no~ when I saw myself in the mirror I feel so~ strange like one way your body has switched.
Sometimes after face washing “Who the hell is this beauty?” but most times “who the hell are you?”

Enjoy your present time!!
We came with fisted hands when we leave we will let it all go.
Ithought said:
AlertKid said:
I like..being asian >__> sometimes...

Oh~~~~ long eyelashes

yep O: although that preview picture is not of my eye xD
I got that picture from photobucket and I thought it was
really pretty xD ~
you can get my picture in the "lets see the faces!!!" forum.
I feel the same way too Chris. I'm 4'11'' ft. (5'0'' ft. if I really try to look tall, lol :s). I often felt the same way too that I'm too small in comparison to other people. At first I thought it was because I'm Asian, but then I realized too that perhaps it was just genetics. I wish I was 5'8 1/2''. Then I'd have longer legs - not ones that measure a meter stick.
Red_Apple said:
I feel the same way too Chris. I'm 4'11'' ft. (5'0'' ft. if I really try to look tall, lol :s). I often felt the same way too that I'm too small in comparison to other people. At first I thought it was because I'm Asian, but then I realized too that perhaps it was just genetics. I wish I was 5'8 1/2''. Then I'd have longer legs - not ones that measure a meter stick.

Then is it safe to say that if you were 5'8 1/2, I would be around 6'3-6'4? Sometime I just know girl will be more attractive to me if I were that tall, I mean when your shorter than a girl you like, it really is a turnoff, and I'm shorter than half of the girls here or at least it feel like it.

Red_Apple just know that despite your height, You are quite good looking and it should be no problem for you to get any guy you want;)
I agree with Chris here. I think girls are moor attracted to taller guys. I don't think its so important for a girl to be tall though.

You Red_Apple look hot. And I know you both well kill me for saying this but F***k it, am gonna say it anyway :p You two would make a great couple just from what I can see here and the picks. *runs off* Sorry guys, It had to be said. I just know anyone that reads this thread would be thinking the same thing :D

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