If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

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......... as far as I am aware....................
make yourself more aware.

As I stated before, your suggested action presupposes success is possible in the first place which I am not at all convinced of.........
you'll always remained unconvinced, and single, unless you lose your negative attitude.

Is it really viable to pick up my whole life and move somewhere far away (likely a different country where I do not even speak the language) when it is quote possible that I will have the same results there?
so learn a language. travel. experience what the world has to offer. there are people who began in much worse situations than you and made their lives better, so don't keep throwing up excuses. change your attitude, live life to the fullest and see what it will bring. there are no guarantees in life anyway, so just enjoy it the best you can. don't rely on someone else's presence to make your life complete.
Almond shaped eyes are more attractive. That's genetic, just like bone structure.
Don't put your genetic crap on me. I don't buy into it. I don't care about all of it, it's just another excuse.

It has NOTHING to do with the SHAPE of his eyes. It's the actual eyeball and what's behind it, not what's surrounding it. And I'm pretty damn sure every person's eyeball is roundish.
Don't put your genetic crap on me. I don't buy into it. I don't care about all of it, it's just another excuse.

It has NOTHING to do with the SHAPE of his eyes. It's the actual eyeball and what's behind it, not what's surrounding it. And I'm pretty **** sure every person's eyeball is roundish.
Everyone's eye balls are similar, correct. Almond shaped eye socket makes someone look friendlier and warmer. That's obvious Halo effect bias. What you perceive as friendly, intelligent and open is really just attractive.
Everyone's eye balls are similar, correct. Almond shaped eye socket makes someone look friendlier and warmer. That's obvious Halo effect bias. What you perceive as friendly, intelligent and open is really just attractive.
I have been attracted to EVERY shape of eye. Again, it's not the shape of the eye, it's the eyes. It's what you see in the eyes. It has nothing to do with the shape. The eyes tells you a lot about a person. But, you are so stuck in your negativity that you probably have no idea what I mean by that. So again, don't put your genetic crap on me, it's just another excuse.
I wonder if anyone has tried hypnosis to get out of their negative mindset that is full of excuses and no accountability......I mean, maybe it's worth a shot. Or Electric Shock Therapy, maybe?

I do a bit of mystical dabbling.
I can spin myself into a hypnotic state.
That's how I get through most of my days, actually.
Actually it's when I CAN'T do that, that I end up in a negative mindset.
And usually it's when I'm overly externally challenged.
There is actually indeed an entire study and practice that's very old on trying to learn to focus, calm, and center yourself in a sort of meditative hypnotic state while under increasingly challenging external pressures.
What I've learned is that it's normal to be easily broken that way until you teach yourself not to be, which is a gradual temperament that comes with time and practice.
Everybody is human. Everybody will falter along the way. That is normal.
It's a lifelong practice to learn to temper yourself to be better.
The answer to "when does it end, though?" is that it never ends.
That's just what life is. Life is about that temperament for the people who practice it.
It is in its own way a lifestyle or mindset.
I have been attracted to EVERY shape of eye. Again, it's not the shape of the eye, it's the eyes. It's what you see in the eyes. It has nothing to do with the shape. The eyes tells you a lot about a person. But, you are so stuck in your negativity that you probably have no idea what I mean by that. So again, don't put your genetic crap on me, it's just another excuse.
Yes very convincing Callie. I suppose this gentleman also has nice, deep, soulful eyes.

If you crop the eyes, you can see a serial killer in everyone lol. When people say stuff about the eyes, they inherently mean they're taking in the whole face.
Nope, I mean the eyes. The rest of the face is not that important.
you'll always remained unconvinced, and single, unless you lose your negative attitude.

so learn a language. travel. experience what the world has to offer. there are people who began in much worse situations than you and made their lives better, so don't keep throwing up excuses. change your attitude, live life to the fullest and see what it will bring. there are no guarantees in life anyway, so just enjoy it the best you can. don't rely on someone else's presence to make your life complete.
You are conflating the cause for the effect. As I pointed out there are many attractive men with toxic personalities who are pursued by attractive women so a so called negative attitiude is only an issue for ugly men. Being positive is not going to make me any taller or better looking and without these physical attributes I don't meet their minimum looks threshold.

Of course other people make a persons life complete-in fact, when it comes down to it relationships are the only thing of real value and as Maslow's five tier of human needs hierarchy showed, self actualization is not even possible without achieving the third level of love and belonging which is the barrier for so many of us.

You are conflating the cause for the effect. As I pointed out there are many attractive men with toxic personalities who are pursued by attractive women so a so called negative attitiude is only an issue for ugly men. Being positive is not going to make me any taller or better looking and without these physical attributes I don't meet their minimum looks threshold.

Of course other people make a persons life complete-in fact, when it comes down to it relationships are the only thing of real value and as Maslow's five tier of human needs hierarchy showed, self actualization is not even possible without achieving the third level of love and belonging which is the barrier for so many of us.
Didn't you state in another thread that you are classified as demisexual? You sure do put A LOT of importance on looks for being demi.
I didn't say it's important, but unless you're cropping people as your meet them, you can't help taking in the whole face. No way you're judging someone by just their eyes - I don't believe that for one second sorry Callie
The eyes are what do it for me. What I see in them. What they tell me. I don't care about the rest. Ie looks, height, weight etc.
I think the thread is like a microcosm of current Western society.
It keeps going because the problem keeps getting worse.
Hm. I would argue the problem isn't getting worse. People are getting worse.
We seem to have banked all our chips on online dating and meeting. Well, 90% of people have. That's creating problems.
I'd argue the remaining 10% are too busy doing it in the real world instead of a made up one. I don't remember it being so complicated pre-2000's or so.
It's also easier to create echo chambers where like-minded people gather and boost each other on ideas and thoughts that may or may not be true. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whichever way you look at it.
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Hm. I would argue the problem isn't getting worse. People are getting worse.
We seem to have banked all our chips on online dating and meeting. Well, 90% of people have. That's creating problems.
I'd argue the remaining 10% are too busy doing it in the real world instead of a made up one. I don't remember it being so complicated pre-2000's or so.
It's also easier to create echo chambers where like-minded people gather and boost each other on ideas and thoughts that may or may not be true. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whichever way you look at it.
Thanks to social media & dating apps things are not the same as they were even 10 years ago so the line between made up worlds and the so called real world have been morphed into a hybrid of both where unfortunate looking men have been factored out of the equation.

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