I remember getting spanked exactly once, and it was when I was twelve or so. My dad rarely spanked me, a third child, but his first son he spanked alot. Mainly because he was spanked alot as a kid (it was an era of discipline). His dad told him "ease up already", and he said "but you used to spank me all the time" to which he said "I'm not proud of it."
By the time he got to me, the only time I got spanked is if I did something extremely selfish. Spanking should only be used in two situations, the kid puts themselves so far past others in selfishness that in the real world it would hurt or kill someone. Some sort of discipline should be used if the child almost risks their own life though the whole "insult to injury" part there, means it's probably better just to be extremely worried and tell them "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT."
Discipline is social normative behavior, social control, basically brainwashing your kid. Spanking should never be used for this. Children should be free to make their own decisions, but know you've got their back (within reason, saying "my child's a good kid" and trying to excuse him for murder not so much, not that you should treat them like a demon either for their mistakes, unless well they are are sociopath). Again it boils down to a kid being curbed from extreme selfishness, this time selfishness that causes harm to others.
I've looked at the aftereffects of both our raising methods. My brother's one of these high stress business types but deeply controlled by the women in his life and I'm not at all sure he's doing what he wants to do, my sister (who came in halfway in) is sort of a tomboy and seems to have just enough drive to get what she wants and seems happy doing it, and I was normal and well adjusted right? Well, no. I was given nonphysical punishment alot, and shut down for being "antisocial", which turned out to be almost as bad, as I'm painfully shy and deathly afraid of rejection to the point where I run from job interviews. The message here isn't spanking. It's discipline as social control, being something that generally that generally makes children nervous and timid. You have to show
Badjedidude, I don't agree at all. There's no true difference between any type of hitting (or even just verbally bashing a kid). I think it's important that the child know that you are upset with them. Calmly hitting a child is much more unsettling. But all the same, they shouldn't always be hit (or yelled at) whenever you get upset.
If they can remember only one time when they were spanked and remember why (always, because they almost killed another kid/pet through selfishness or negligence, or because they almost killed themselves), this is the point. To be constantly told their behavior is unacceptable at an age they are trying hard to fit in, makes painfully shy social outcasts.