Jewelry / Bling - Do you wear it?

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I wear a pewter band on my pinkie, it was my grandmothers and I've had it for 30ish years, when i first inherited it, it fitted on my thumb and over the years has moved to just about every finger on my left hand. Not bling but I've usually got a bandana around one of my wrists lately.
Not for many years. I used to wear a huge ruby ring and I also wore gold cross necklaces and when I was a teenager, I wore native American necklaces and headbands.

Jewelry always feels like an unnecessary item and I like to travel light so the only thing I have worn for the last few decades are my engagement and wedding ring.
I don't really recall wearing much except for junior high, when I thought pierced ears were cool for a few months. That was dumb.
I used to wear a wedding ring. I was on a job at a high school and hopped from its flat roof, holding the flashing to slow my descent. The ring caught the flashing. It nearly pulled my finger off. It had to be cut off. The ring, not my finger.

I've not worn jewelry since.
Yes, the earrings, a necklace, there used to be smth on it, dolphin, but it was very long ago. And now it's on my neck for now reason, I guess people think there is a cross there, but there is not. I'm just too lazy to put it off )

Also I wear the bracelets, but they are silicone, so they don't count as the jewerly. But I like them the most.
I've worn various rings in the past that have meant something to me, and I'd wear one particular Celtic designed one still, but now the only finger it fits well on is my wedding finger and I'm not putting it there. Currently all I wear is a leather necklace with three metal rings that are inscribed with the name of each of my daughters.

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I wear zero bling.

For some reason I thought it was funny that you led with this 😄

But no, I don't wear bling.

The closest I ever came to it, was wearing some puka shells my senior year of high school, when that was fashionable. Mine were really from Hawaii, too. My Dad got them when he went there.

Other than that, I just wear my smart watch when I'm exercising.

That's pretty much it for me.
I'm not necessarily opposed to accessories, but I just don't know what else I would get, that would be authentically "me" enough that it's worth getting.
I think I'd rather just have a shirt or something I like, instead.
Not a big fan, but only wear bracelets rarely and other jewelry if I receive it as a gift from someone special.
I typically wear just the engagement ring and earrings. I have a few necklaces for special occasions.

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