TL-DR: I am going to start lying about my age because I am tired of correcting people who get it wrong.
I just turned 50 yrs old. It was a quiet transition into my second half-century (if I last that long.)
Now, if you go through my posting history, you will see that I have always had a problem with looking younger.
I know. Why on earth would I call that a problem? Well, I can only speak for myself, but all my life I have struggled to be heard, to be recognized, to be believed, and to have the weight of my accumulated knowledge impress upon others the fact that I know what I am talking about.
Almost daily, I hear comments like this:
"Oh, you're nowhere near the age of my kids." (Both of her kids were under 45.)
"You must have been a toddler in 1976." (I was 10.)
"You couldn't possibly have seen 'All In the Family' when it was first on" (I actually watched it semi-regularly.)
These are examples of how people see me. I recently ate at the counter of a local diner, and started chatting with a guy around his late 60s. When he guessed my age, he said 25. When I told him I was 50, he was surprised. Shocked, even.
So, why has it been a problem for me? Simple. No one gives me any credit for having seen what I have seen, or lived the life I've lived. I am frequently dismissed because everyone thinks I'm too young to know any better.
So, I spend an inordinate amount of energy proving these people wrong. Trying alI can to gain the respect I have sought, despite my youthful features.
Now that I am 50, people are even more animated and shocked when I tell them how old I am.
But I recently wondered why I do it? Why do I try so hard to correct people who think I am young? Is it really that bad to be dismissed?
So, I have decided to try a new tack; I am going to go with the flow. If someone asks me how old I am, I will say 35 and see if anyone calls me on it. If someone claims I couldn't possibly have been alive in the Seventies, I will not correct them.
Whatever age someone claims I am, I will say they are correct. Why? I am just tired of fighting. I am tired of having to constantly correct people about my age. So now, I'm not going to correct anyone. Maybe this way, I will relieve myself of the burden of looking younger.
Do you fib about your age for any reason whatsoever? If so, was it difficult for you? I have always been super honest and lying is hard for me. But if I don't correct people, that is omitting the truth, which isn't as bad. Right?