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BeyondShy said:
And that's all that this was about Callie. It's like you said about people posting their photos in the Let's see the Faces thread. Some people say that they will only keep them up for a period of time and that's it. All anyone has to do is go in that thread and read some of the previous pages and you'll find someone posting that they were sorry they missed so-and-so's photo. No big deal. It happens. And it will happen again in that thread.

This part of my post is not directed to Callie but instead to everyone.

I had this offer open for twenty-four hours. I asked if you (meaning everyone on this forum) wanted to view them to let me know. Two people have the link to the galleries. One person requested it via private message and it was given to another person because we talked about it in a chat session once and I promised that once it was done they could view it.

That was it. Two people. And if you think I was mad about that you're right. Well, maybe mad is the incorrect word here. Hurt would be more accurate. I took it very, very personal.

It bothered me that there were more responses in this thread after I took the offer off the table then when it was open. It just proves to me that people saw this and could have cared less. It's ok. It is not the worst thing that's ever happened to me and I'll be fine. They are only photos after all.

But it doesn't prove that at all. =/ It's just as possible and far more likely that people didn't see the thread until after the offer was rescinded. 'Express Yourself' is not a very heavily-trafficked area of the forum.

To draw a parallel, Triple Bogey posted his picture in the 'Faces' thread for 11 hours, during the half of the day when fewer members are perusing the forum, and during a time when the forum altogether was almost desolate on top of that, and then said "Nobody could be bothered" to comment on it. Some people, like Callie for instance, said they saw the photo but were too busy or away from their computers at the time, and couldn't get a comment in before he took it down. Yet he still presumes that he received so few comments because nobody cared.

Frankly, I find this self-sabotaging, and I have a hunch you do it all the time.

The amount of time you left the offer on the table is not what people are taking issue with; it's your assumption of and reaction to a perceived slight. Some people do only leave their photo up on the 'Faces' thread for a limited time, but most of them don't pout when they take their photo down and snap at people who have come in late. It should be no big deal, but you are making it a big deal.

How do you think it looks from someone else's perspective, to walk in on a thread where you are being angry and accusatory like that? I didn't see your thread before you rescinded the offer, but you would rather just assume I did and didn't care, based on nothing but your own insecurities. You're essentially blaming me for your hurt feelings and grouping me into the long line of people who you feel have "victimized" you, and I didn't even do anything except not come across the thread early enough for you. Perhaps you can see why that might rub someone the wrong way, and not make them very eager to talk to you.

The fact is that you think of yourself as someone people want to avoid, so you're projecting that onto others and getting defensive before they even have a chance to actually reject you.
I joined after you posted this thread, and thus I did not see your offer. I do not know you, but for what it's worth, I would be very much interested in viewing your work. I have nothing against you at all.
Solivagant said:
But it doesn't prove that at all. =/ It's just as possible and far more likely that people didn't see the thread until after the offer was rescinded. 'Express Yourself' is not a very heavily-trafficked area of the forum.

You're right, but all threads show up when you click on "view today's posts." This thread was not hidden at all Solivagant.

Solivagant said:
To draw a parallel, Triple Bogey posted his picture in the 'Faces' thread for 11 hours, during the half of the day when fewer members are perusing the forum, and during a time when the forum altogether was almost desolate on top of that, and then said "Nobody could be bothered" to comment on it. Some people, like Callie for instance, said they saw the photo but were too busy or away from their computers at the time, and couldn't get a comment in before he took it down. Yet he still presumes that he received so few comments because nobody cared.

Frankly, I find this self-sabotaging, and I have a hunch you do it all the time.

The amount of time you left the offer on the table is not what people are taking issue with; it's your assumption of and reaction to a perceived slight. Some people do only leave their photo up on the 'Faces' thread for a limited time, but most of them don't pout when they take their photo down and snap at people who have come in late. It should be no big deal, but you are making it a big deal.

This tells me you either went back to look up when he posted his photo or that you remember when he did it and the circumstances around it. I remember the photo and I was one of the people who commented on it. I gave a golf reference that I am sure did not get past him.

But he did not get a lot of comments in there and he kept that photo up for quite some time. Some people only keep it up for just a short period of time and that's it. Eleven hours is pretty good. Some people could post their picture in that thread and they'll get more compliments there then you can shake a stick at. I understand why the guy was hurt. Only certain people get the attention in there and that's it. And that's why I will never post my photo in there. You and everyone else will not get the chance to put it down. In this case I reject you before you reject me.

Solivagant said:
How do you think it looks from someone else's perspective, to walk in on a thread where you are being angry and accusatory like that? I didn't see your thread before you rescinded the offer, but you would rather just assume I did and didn't care, based on nothing but your own insecurities. You're essentially blaming me for your hurt feelings and grouping me into the long line of people who you feel have "victimized" you, and I didn't even do anything except not come across the thread early enough for you. Perhaps you can see why that might rub someone the wrong way, and not make them very eager to talk to you.

If you didn't see this thread that's fine. I am not saying you did. There is nothing you can do about that, right? It's no big deal. I'm actually surprised you stooped so low to talk to someone like me in here because as far as I can tell this is the first time you've said anything to me. Forgive me if I don't thank you.

You are dammmmn right my feelings are hurt. And I don't know if I am more mad right now or hurt.

Look, let me clear something up for you and it is something you already know. This is not your fault. It never was and it never will be.

I've said a lot of things right now out of frustration because this genuine offer of trying to share my interests here was rejected. That's it.

Solivagant said:
The fact is that you think of yourself as someone people want to avoid, so you're projecting that onto others and getting defensive before they even have a chance to actually reject you.

So what are you saying here, that you would just reject me anyway? I don't get it. You don't know me at all. None of you do or even tried to so I just don't understand why you would say this about me.

In closing, thank you for posting and for talking to me. I appreciate it.

Latent said:
I joined after you posted this thread, and thus I did not see your offer. I do not know you, but for what it's worth, I would be very much interested in viewing your work. I have nothing against you at all.

No, the offer is over and done with. I'm sorry. And welcome to this website.
BeyondShy said:
No they are not. And I haven't met one on here yet. Not holding my breath either.

I believe there were some who spoke up on the "Sports Gaming" thread. You might try looking there and talking to some of them. I know there are at least a few here.

BeyondShy said:
Nobody else could be bothered because it was something that had to do with me.

Come on man, that's just not true. You can't know that for certain. I've been in that situation before, waiting and waiting for someone to reply and I feel like I've been blown off. The last time I got mad at someone for not replying to me quickly, it really damaged my reputation with that person and I regretted it. I've since learned that in these situations, the simplest answer is usually correct - either people didn't see it, or they saw it but didn't have time to go through all your photos. Possibly even with the intent to go back and look at your photos later at a more convenient time.

Solivagant's right, this is a slow area of the forum. And when the forum itself is having a slow day, it's even slower here.

In these situations, it really doesn't help to assume the worst. Suspicion will only push people away. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I didn't even know about this thread until today, and lately, I haven't been in such a good mood so I was stuck in my own head and not really doing just-for-fun things on here. But if you re-post the links, I could check them out.
BeyondShy said:
No, the offer is over and done with. I'm sorry. And welcome to this website.

That is alright. I just wanted to say that if I was here while the offer was up, I would gladly have accepted it. And thank you kindly.
TheSkaFish said:
Come on man, that's just not true. You can't know that for certain. I've been in that situation before, waiting and waiting for someone to reply and I feel like I've been blown off. The last time I got mad at someone for not replying to me quickly, it really damaged my reputation with that person and I regretted it. I've since learned that in these situations, the simplest answer is usually correct - either people didn't see it, or they saw it but didn't have time to go through all your photos. Possibly even with the intent to go back and look at your photos later at a more convenient time.

No one could have gone through all my photos. The way I had it set up was if someone wanted to see the galleries all they had to do was tell me and then I would send them the link. That way they can view them any time they want.

And you are right - some people didn't see it. You said you didn't see it and I would be out of line to say that you did. I take your word and I believe you. But for the twenty-four hours this was open others did see it and because the offer came from me they ignored it.

TheSkaFish said:
In these situations, it really doesn't help to assume the worst. Suspicion will only push people away. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I did not assume the worst. I saw for myself how they intentionally ignored my offer. It's something I will never forget or forgive but people could care less about that.

TheSkaFish said:
But if you re-post the links, I could check them out.

There are no links to post. It's just a website. But thank you for your interest.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Latent said:
That is alright. I just wanted to say that if I was here while the offer was up, I would gladly have accepted it. And thank you kindly.

Well, if you say so. Maybe you would have, maybe you wouldn't.

By the way why do you post with a smaller font?
BeyondShy said:
Well, if you say so. Maybe you would have, maybe you wouldn't.

By the way why do you post with a smaller font?

I would, but it is your choice to believe it or not.

I think fonts exhibit character. I post in this because its character appears to suit how I am trying to come off.
BeyondShy said:
You're right, but all threads show up when you click on "view today's posts." This thread was not hidden at all Solivagant.

Personally I never click on that, I just randomly browse. I don't know what other people do, but maybe they don't either. I didn't say it was hidden though, just that this part of the forum doesn't get much traffic. Your expectations were a bit high.

BeyondShy said:
This tells me you either went back to look up when he posted his photo or that you remember when he did it and the circumstances around it.

I remember.

BeyondShy said:
But he did not get a lot of comments in there and he kept that photo up for quite some time.

You missed my point. He can't get comments if hardly anyone gets the chance to look at it. If you post a photo during a time when there aren't many people around the forum, it won't get many views.

Likewise, if you post in an area of the forum that doesn't get much traffic, you can't expect it to get many views within 24 hours. That doesn't mean that nobody wanted to see it.

BeyondShy said:
If you didn't see this thread that's fine. I am not saying you did.

But you are saying that. Your address was to "everyone on this forum". You didn't exclude anyone but Callie.

BeyondShy said:
I'm actually surprised you stooped so low to talk to someone like me in here because as far as I can tell this is the first time you've said anything to me. Forgive me if I don't thank you.

I don't converse with anyone much around here, especially since I have my PM off. But this is not the first time I've said something to you. I've expressed my agreement with several of your posts, asked about a photo you posted, and I gave you a rep or two (they're not there now because I deleted most of the reps I gave out back in August, but that's another story).

I do, however, remember that the first time you talked to me, it was to mock one of my posts as being unintelligent. You later apologized, which I appreciated; but combined with the snideness you show to others and your seeming habit of taking offence over even the smallest things, it has made me cautious in approaching you.

Your behavior here is often very off-putting, and if you feel rejected, you have mostly yourself to thank for that.

BeyondShy said:
So what are you saying here, that you would just reject me anyway?

No, that's not what I was saying.

BeyondShy said:
In this case I reject you before you reject me.

^ This is what I was saying. You assume you'll be rejected, so you reject others first. You're a smart guy, I think you know what I meant.
Solivagant said:
BeyondShy said:
But he did not get a lot of comments in there and he kept that photo up for quite some time.

Likewise, if you post in an area of the forum that doesn't get much traffic, you can't expect it to get many views within 24 hours. That doesn't mean that nobody wanted to see it.

Well Solivagant there was no other place for me to post this kind of thread. This is the "Express Yourself" area so I didn't know where else it could have gone.

Solivagant said:
I do, however, remember that the first time you talked to me, it was to mock one of my posts as being unintelligent. You later apologized, which I appreciated; but combined with the snideness you show to others and your seeming habit of taking offence over even the smallest things, it has made me cautious in approaching you.

Your behavior here is often very off-putting, and if you feel rejected, you have mostly yourself to thank for that.

Is that so? It is incredible to me how people -and here I am talking about you and people like you- only see one side to something. It is always something I said or something I have done. No one's ever said anything to me that was insulting in here at all. It's only me. That's what you see. Like you said I have myself to thank for this. Everyone else is fine.

BeyondShy said:
So what are you saying here, that you would just reject me anyway?
Solivagant said:
No, that's not what I was saying.

You just got done saying that this was my fault and I got myself to blame. Let's just agree to disagree.

BeyondShy said:
In this case I reject you before you reject me.
Solivagant said:
^ This is what I was saying. You assume you'll be rejected, so you reject others first. You're a smart guy, I think you know what I meant.

No I did not assume this. This assumption you are accusing me of didn't come to me overnight. You all don't know a damn thing about me because you got it into your head that you didn't want to find out. This is a place full of shy people, depressed people with various social problems, people who have been rejected by others around them, etc. I figured this would be a good place to learn from others about what holds me back and I admit I have had some help. The funny thing is I feel rejected by the same group of people who may or may not get rejected themselves in real life. Well, now you know how the other half lives.

Rejection is not fun or easy to take and it doesn't matter if it is on the internet or real life. It always makes me ask myself one thing. Am I good enough? The answer is always no.

Have a good Wednesday!
BeyondShy said:
Well Solivagant there was no other place for me to post this kind of thread. This is the "Express Yourself" area so I didn't know where else it could have gone.

'General Chat' gets more traffic, I've seen people post things like this in there every so often. That's just an idea though. 'Express Yourself' was a perfectly appropriate place to post this, I'm only saying your expectations of how many members would see it here within one day were too high.

BeyondShy said:
Well, now you know how the other half lives.

I'm not exactly sure what you meant by this, but if you are saying that I don't know what it's like to live a life of rejection, then you are mistaken. I've had hurtful and unwelcoming experiences here too, especially the first year (hence why PM is disabled). I was just trying to show you how you can come off to people sometimes, and how it might affect how people interact with you.

BeyondShy said:
Let's just agree to disagree.

BeyondShy, try not to get so defensive all the time. Some of the things Solivagant said, I've said to you as well in private. I think people won't "attack" you (generic) if you don't give them a reason to. I'm not saying that you are giving people a reason to "attack" you, but .. well, I mostly agree with what Solivagant has said. I hope you don't take her comments as attacking you, because it's clear that she's not and is just trying to help you here.

You pretty much lumped me in the entire category of "everyone on the forum" with regards to this initially. And we talked about it in PM. I'm not trying to rehash what has been discussed but I really hope you realise that people, not Solivagant, not me, not anyone else here wants to purposely attack you or blame you or exclude you for no apparent reason. I've told you possibilities of why people might feel apprehensive to approach you or reply to your posts - and Solivagant clearly reiterated some of these points herself.

That's all I wanted to say. Apologies if this is totally off-track and unnecessary but I felt I had to say something.
ladyforsaken said:
I think people won't "attack" you (generic) if you don't give them a reason to.

This is not always true.

Some people get it in their head that they hate/dislike you without even knowing anything about you and attack because they feel it's their right or the person deserves it.
Well yes, of course not always true as in anything else. I understand why BeyondShy gets very defensive and I can see where he is coming from. But I think BeyondShy also needs to see where others are coming from if he really wants to improve his situation. Just my 2 cents...
Solivagant said:
How do you think it looks from someone else's perspective, to walk in on a thread where you are being angry and accusatory like that?


Perhaps you can see why that might rub someone the wrong way, and not make them very eager to talk to you.

The fact is that you think of yourself as someone people want to avoid, so you're projecting that onto others and getting defensive before they even have a chance to actually reject you.

I think this is definitely the problem here. People see something like this, and think they will just be treated harshly so they stay away.

BeyondShy said:
But he did not get a lot of comments in there and he kept that photo up for quite some time. Some people only keep it up for just a short period of time and that's it. Eleven hours is pretty good. Some people could post their picture in that thread and they'll get more compliments there then you can shake a stick at. I understand why the guy was hurt. Only certain people get the attention in there and that's it. And that's why I will never post my photo in there. You and everyone else will not get the chance to put it down. In this case I reject you before you reject me.

To be honest, it depends on the day. 11 hours isn't that great, especially when the whole forum is slow. If it's views and comments you're after, it makes more sense to leave things available indefinitely.

For what it's worth, I remember making two threads a while ago. One was to share some motivational videos which I found helpful and thought could maybe help others, and another was a poem I copied and pasted from another forum about dogs. These threads received hundreds of views, enough for them to be labeled "hot" by the forum, yet I didn't receive a single post. I didn't perceive it as an attack.

BeyondShy said:
I did not assume the worst. I saw for myself how they intentionally ignored my offer. It's something I will never forget or forgive but people could care less about that.

See, this is your problem right here though - you're holding a grudge against people that you can't even be sure are guilty of anything. If you give the forum a few chances it will give some chances back to you.

BeyondShy said:
There are no links to post. It's just a website. But thank you for your interest.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

No problem and I would view them if you would make them available again. I think you should just drop the time limit and the thing where people have to ask you for the link. It's not really helping you. If you want more exposure then it makes sense to make it as easy as possible for people to see it.

Solivagant said:
Personally I never click on that, I just randomly browse. I don't know what other people do, but maybe they don't either. I didn't say it was hidden though, just that this part of the forum doesn't get much traffic. Your expectations were a bit high.

I never click on it either. I also just randomly browse.

Solivagant said:
You missed my point. He can't get comments if hardly anyone gets the chance to look at it. If you post a photo during a time when there aren't many people around the forum, it won't get many views.

Likewise, if you post in an area of the forum that doesn't get much traffic, you can't expect it to get many views within 24 hours. That doesn't mean that nobody wanted to see it.

^ This right here pretty much explains it.

BeyondShy said:
This is a place full of shy people, depressed people with various social problems, people who have been rejected by others around them, etc. I figured this would be a good place to learn from others about what holds me back and I admit I have had some help. The funny thing is I feel rejected by the same group of people who may or may not get rejected themselves in real life. Well, now you know how the other half lives.

Rejection is not fun or easy to take and it doesn't matter if it is on the internet or real life. It always makes me ask myself one thing. Am I good enough? The answer is always no.

I know what you mean, but you haven't been rejected. You just think you have. It still takes time for people to warm up to others, maybe even more so given all the people on here who have had bad experiences with rejection. I still think you are being too hasty to think people have judged you, and you aren't helping yourself when you think others have done something to you when they haven't.

ladyforsaken said:
Well yes, of course not always true as in anything else. I understand why BeyondShy gets very defensive and I can see where he is coming from. But I think BeyondShy also needs to see where others are coming from if he really wants to improve his situation. Just my 2 cents...

Yes, I agree completely. If he could just see that there's no attack against him here, that people aren't avoiding him on purpose or don't want to be seen talking to him or anything like that, then most of these problems could have been avoided before they blew up in the first place.
Wow, a lot to respond to.

Solivagant said:
'General Chat' gets more traffic, I've seen people post things like this in there every so often. That's just an idea though. 'Express Yourself' was a perfectly appropriate place to post this, I'm only saying your expectations of how many members would see it here within one day were too high.

Ok. I just took it to reason to post it in the proper area but what you said made sense too.

Solivagant said:
I'm not exactly sure what you meant by this, but if you are saying that I don't know what it's like to live a life of rejection, then you are mistaken. I've had hurtful and unwelcoming experiences here too, especially the first year (hence why PM is disabled). I was just trying to show you how you can come off to people sometimes, and how it might affect how people interact with you.

You too? I wouldn't mind telling you of an unwanted and totally unexpected set of private messages I received on here too by someone I never talked to before I got them.

ladyforsaken said:
BeyondShy, try not to get so defensive all the time. Some of the things Solivagant said, I've said to you as well in private. I think people won't "attack" you (generic) if you don't give them a reason to. I'm not saying that you are giving people a reason to "attack" you, but .. well, I mostly agree with what Solivagant has said. I hope you don't take her comments as attacking you, because it's clear that she's not and is just trying to help you here.

I didn't take what she said as an attack on me although I do not agree with everything that she told me.

ladyforsaken said:
You pretty much lumped me in the entire category of "everyone on the forum" with regards to this initially. And we talked about it in PM. I'm not trying to rehash what has been discussed but I really hope you realise that people, not Solivagant, not me, not anyone else here wants to purposely attack you or blame you or exclude you for no apparent reason. I've told you possibilities of why people might feel apprehensive to approach you or reply to your posts - and Solivagant clearly reiterated some of these points herself.

I am not going over again if you asked to view these or not because you didn't. At least you responded when the offer was open. I guess that counts for something. And I don't think someone like you would purposely attack me. I have a lot of respect for you.

ladyforsaken said:
That's all I wanted to say. Apologies if this is totally off-track and unnecessary but I felt I had to say something.

No apologies necessary.

TheRealCallie said:
ladyforsaken said:
I think people won't "attack" you (generic) if you don't give them a reason to.

This is not always true.

Some people get it in their head that they hate/dislike you without even knowing anything about you and attack because they feel it's their right or the person deserves it.

Now isn't this the God's honest truth? Of course because you said it people will automatically disagree with it.

TheSkaFish said:
BeyondShy said:
I did not assume the worst. I saw for myself how they intentionally ignored my offer. It's something I will never forget or forgive but people could care less about that.

See, this is your problem right here though - you're holding a grudge against people that you can't even be sure are guilty of anything. If you give the forum a few chances it will give some chances back to you.

I thought I did by keeping it open as long as I did. I left myself vulnerable for twenty-four hours with the risk of giving out the webpage link and having to read negative comments afterwards. I did give a chance by creating this thread in the first place.

TheSkaFish said:
No problem and I would view them if you would make them available again. I think you should just drop the time limit and the thing where people have to ask you for the link. It's not really helping you. If you want more exposure then it makes sense to make it as easy as possible for people to see it.

The reason why I did it like this was because I did not want to hand out the link to some people that I did not want to have any part of it. And by asking someone to let me know if they want to view them is simple enough. I would have mailed them the link, which I did.

TheSkaFish said:
I know what you mean, but you haven't been rejected. You just think you have. It still takes time for people to warm up to others, maybe even more so given all the people on here who have had bad experiences with rejection. I still think you are being too hasty to think people have judged you, and you aren't helping yourself when you think others have done something to you when they haven't.

I have had a hard time almost immediately since I joined here and I have been here eight months now. That's not a lot compared to many of you. The first time I had someone give me a hard time about something was from a person who is no longer here. I won't say her screen name outright but instead I'll put it like this. Have you ever heard of those old Tom and Jerry cartoons? Tom was a cat. Jerry was a _ _ _ _ _.

There you go.

You mean well and I will listen to people who give me the time of day around here. Well, anywhere really.

TheSkaFish said:
Yes, I agree completely. If he could just see that there's no attack against him here, that people aren't avoiding him on purpose or don't want to be seen talking to him or anything like that, then most of these problems could have been avoided before they blew up in the first place.

I just have a hard time believing this after all that has happened.
BeyondShy said:
TheRealCallie said:
ladyforsaken said:
I think people won't "attack" you (generic) if you don't give them a reason to.

This is not always true.

Some people get it in their head that they hate/dislike you without even knowing anything about you and attack because they feel it's their right or the person deserves it.

Now isn't this the God's honest truth? Of course because you said it people will automatically disagree with it.

Not this time. I agree that this stuff does happen but in my experience it has been rare. Not only that but most of it happened in grade school, no later than adolescence. Most grown-up people don't behave this way, it's immature. The ones that do, you can safely write off.

BeyondShy said:
I thought I did by keeping it open as long as I did. I left myself vulnerable for twenty-four hours with the risk of giving out the webpage link and having to read negative comments afterwards. I did give a chance by creating this thread in the first place.

The reason why I did it like this was because I did not want to hand out the link to some people that I did not want to have any part of it. And by asking someone to let me know if they want to view them is simple enough. I would have mailed them the link, which I did.

Well, you took a good first step to sharing a little more about yourself in at least trying, so I commend you for that. But I think it would have been better for you had you not set a time limit, out of worry for negative feedback. You want to get past your worrying right? That would have been a big step in the right direction.

BeyondShy said:
I have had a hard time almost immediately since I joined here and I have been here eight months now. That's not a lot compared to many of you. The first time I had someone give me a hard time about something was from a person who is no longer here. I won't say her screen name outright but instead I'll put it like this. Have you ever heard of those old Tom and Jerry cartoons? Tom was a cat. Jerry was a _ _ _ _ _.

There you go.

I know. But you don't have to worry about that anymore.

BeyondShy said:
You mean well and I will listen to people who give me the time of day around here. Well, anywhere really.

I just have a hard time believing this after all that has happened.

Hey thanks. But the thing you just have to remember is, you're fine. Don't worry so much and you'll find that most of the time you'll be okay :)
TheSkaFish said:
Not this time. I agree that this stuff does happen but in my experience it has been rare. Not only that but most of it happened in grade school, no later than adolescence. Most grown-up people don't behave this way, it's immature. The ones that do, you can safely write off.

I've done this with a handful of people in here since I've been here. There have been a few that have gone over the line with me. On the whole the people are ok here.

TheSkaFish said:
Well, you took a good first step to sharing a little more about yourself in at least trying, so I commend you for that. But I think it would have been better for you had you not set a time limit, out of worry for negative feedback. You want to get past your worrying right? That would have been a big step in the right direction.

I'll tell you man I've been burned so many times by so many people who have seemed sincere in the beginning. When I didn't get any interest from the regulars here about this it was almost like I knew it was going to happen. The negative feedback or laughing at what I did was a factor in the time limit for this. Trust is not something I have for people here. It hasn't been built up yet. I'll go as far to say it hasn't even started yet.

TheSkaFish said:
Hey thanks. But the thing you just have to remember is, you're fine. Don't worry so much and you'll find that most of the time you'll be okay :)

That's something I need to learn. I am not afraid to admit that.
BeyondShy said:
I'll tell you man I've been burned so many times by so many people who have seemed sincere in the beginning. When I didn't get any interest from the regulars here about this it was almost like I knew it was going to happen. The negative feedback or laughing at what I did was a factor in the time limit for this. Trust is not something I have for people here. It hasn't been built up yet. I'll go as far to say it hasn't even started yet.

Well, like others have said, the Express Yourself section is an area of the forum which receives low traffic. As others have said, not everyone uses the View Today's Posts link. I have never used it myself. And I'm not sure what day you posted your gallery on, so it may have been a slow day for the site in general. And if all people got was 24 hours, several of which are going to be spent sleeping, working, or doing something other than being on the Internet - then as you see, that becomes a very small time window.

It's okay to trust slowly and gradually build up, but you can help others help you by being more friendly, by giving the benefit of the doubt. Until someone laughs at you or says a nasty thing to you, assume that all is well.

BeyondShy said:
That's something I need to learn. I am not afraid to admit that.

There you go. Admitting it and naming the problem, the thing you wish to fix, is the start. As my friend Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, "You've taken your first step into a larger world". :)
TheSkaFish said:
Well, like others have said, the Express Yourself section is an area of the forum which receives low traffic. As others have said, not everyone uses the View Today's Posts link. I have never used it myself. And I'm not sure what day you posted your gallery on, so it may have been a slow day for the site in general. And if all people got was 24 hours, several of which are going to be spent sleeping, working, or doing something other than being on the Internet - then as you see, that becomes a very small time window.

Let's see, the day I made the gallery open for anyone who wanted to view it was on Friday, November 6th.

TheSkaFish said:
There you go. Admitting it and naming the problem, the thing you wish to fix, is the start. As my friend Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, "You've taken your first step into a larger world". :)

Yeah, I've heard of him. Pretty smart guy if I recall.

Right now the only world I want to be in is dreamland. It's 11:00 pm and I still can't get to sleep. :shy:
TheSkaFish said:
No problem and I would view them if you would make them available again.

I think you would have. Let me show you one I just grabbed at random.

Female Rock Climber in the Verdon Gorge, La Palud-sur-Verdon, France.


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