Pet Peeves

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Just_Some_Dude said:
just as long as the same rule applies for:

Of course. A stupid generalization based on ignorance and prejudice is a stupid generalization based on ignorance and prejudice no matter who the target group happens to be.

You're not going to get a fight from me on that. :p
WHAT a GREAT thread!! Extra props to JSD for being absolutely hilarious! :) :) :)

Here's a few of mine (I don't think I'm repeating any, but sorry if I am):

- Smokers who toss their cigarette butts on the street/park/road/etc.: Actually, smoking is annoying in general, but I can tolerate that. But what makes some of them think that it is perfectly okay to litter? What's even worse is when they don't even bother putting it out, and it's just sitting on the sidewalk still smoking away.

- Drivers who don't signal: Out of my many driving-related pet peeves, this one is my biggest. I especially get peeved when I'm patiently waiting for a car to pass before I turn, and then *they* turn unannounced and I'd been waiting for no reason. Ugh.

- Complete strangers who try to guess my ethnicity: As far as I know, at least in the U.S., this seems to happen exclusively to Asian women. It makes me feel objectified. I don't like it. You wouldn't walk up to some random black man and ask, "Are you Ethiopian?" would you?

- Political ads, on all sides: I bet these things actually work. It horrifies me that people out there might be basing their decisions on these things. *shudder*

- "Anti-snob" snobs: In my experience, most of the people who rail against snobs are snobs themselves. They're more annoying than the pure snobs because of the hypocrisy. If you believe something negative about an entire group of people, you are being a snob. For example, if you are working class and believe that makes you inherently better than those "snobby" rich people, you are also a snob.

Just_Some_Dude said:
people in the hood who walk really, intentionally, slowly across the crosswalk, so you are forced to slow down your vehicle. if i'm having a bad day, this is extremely dangerous. i have been tempted.

This is okay...unless it's when I have a green light and they have a red light. This happens way more often than it should. I once honked at someone for this, and he shot be an really dirty look like *I'm* the ******* for daring to want to go right through a green light. *slaps forehead*
-People who write & speak in snobbery to degrade someone in an arguement- No need to speak like Shakespeare to get your point across or whatever, we can all use big words, no need to stick your posh crap into an arguement to belittle somebody. Smeggin' oafs.

-Drivers who don't indicate- Christ alive, where i live there's a blind bend that spreads out into a T-junction, people don't indicate there half the time, how much effort does it take to indicate, no consideration for passer-byes and cycle peeps.

-Your mum jokes- "Your mum's so fat when she walked infront the TV i missed 3 commercials" etc etc etc
Why bother with those jokes? Here's one for you, "your mum's so dumb she produced a retard who finds humour in idiocy"

-Furniture store salesmen- I would be buying this bed, therefore i should be able to lay down inside of it and cuddle up for a few minutes as it needs testing, would you buy a car without a test drive? Why get hot headed that i'm trying to kip, *looking at you Dreams*

-Political discussions- Call me ignorant, but, sorry, couldn't give a monkeys. Why the main news story of the day surrounds the fact that some goon has said this about some other goon and their opinions on some redundant guff is irrelevant & not news worthy.

-People who slander things without trying them- Had quite a few friendships melt because i couldn't tolerate this, probably my biggest pet peeve.
If don't like something, fine, but you need a reason as to why & not to assume.
Person A:"Ah nah, thats crap"
Person B:"Ah yeah, you seen that film then?"
Person A:"Nope, and got no intention of doing so"
Person B:"If havent seen it how can you say it's crap?"
Person A:"...Cos"

Same goes for everything, people say they don't like a film or a food or a person or anything, and never give a reason. Have to do something in order to establish an opinion, can't just assume, thats BS.

Couple years ago i had 2 free tickets to see Phantom Of The Opera at a London theatre, was gonna go with a friend at the time. She said "oh nah i'd hate that, i don't wanna go" so we never went.
So i brought her the VHS film of it couple weeks after and she loved the film & coincidentally regretted not going to the theatre to see it.That's just an example, happens all the time. Extremely annoying.
After having spent a good 11 hours driving this weekend, I thought I'd share a few of my driving pet peeves.

1. The Merging-Impaired

Ok, so it's the meteorological season of Summer, or as we like to call it in New York state, the driving season of Construction (the other seasons are Almost Snow, Snow and Still Snow).

I get it. You have Places to Go. You are a Very Important Person, so important, in fact, that when a lane is closed for construction on the NYS Thruway, you don't pay attention to the "Left Lane Closed; 1 mile Ahead," "Left Lane Closed, 1/2 mile Ahead" signs etc etc. No, you speed right on up to the point where the lane actually IS closed and then attempt to bust your ******* SUV-driving ass in the lane instead of merging in an orderly fashion like the rest of us *********s.

I have your number, *******. I've seen you before. I don't like your kind and whenever possible, I won't let you merge in front of me.

2. Tailgaters

Yeah, I grew up driving in CT and MA, so I know how tailgating can be a lifestyle choice. In some cases, like on the NJ Turnpike and the Mass Pike anywhere near Boston, it is almost mandatory to avoid road rage incidents. However, when I am already going a cool 75 in the right lane in heavy traffic, you riding up my ass is not going to make me go any faster. Under certain conditions, I'll actually slow down just to **** with you.

No, flashing your lights at me and honking your horn will also not induce me to speed up. Don't like it? PASS ME, ************. That's why the left lane is called the passing lane, and that's why I am not in it. I'll smile and wave when I see you pulled over by the Staties a few miles up ahead.

3. Anyone in a ********* Yellow H3

You have a ridiculous car, it is "********* yellow," chances are that you drive like a ********, you are an ******* and I hate you. Pick a ************* lane and STAY IN IT. If your ******* car is so big that you can neither maneuver it correctly (for the love of God have you seen these ******** try to park those things?) or keep it solidly in one lane on the ******* interstate, then you should not be driving it at all.

I'll be damned if I am going to be killed on the ******* highway after a blissful weekend with the man I love by some ********* IN A HUMMER, so do us all a favor and stop driving or buy a subcompact. Oh, and see a shrink about your penis issues.

4. Hotshots on motorcycles

First, you have a donorcycle and drive it like you've got a death-wish: no leathers, no helmet, FFS I saw a jack-off in shorts and flip-flops on a chopper today. WTF?

Secondly, the way you and your ****-for-brains drinking buddies weaved in and around and IN BETWEEN cars on the dotted lines at close to 100 mph makes me think that maybe you aren't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Why couldn't you have taken rt 20? C'mon. No one on I-90 likes you.
overly manicured lawns


burning all that gas powered equipment, and for what? so you can have a straight line of grass along the driveway edges. jeez. or perfectly symmetrical shrubs? ffs
People who let their BIG dogs, take BIGGER dumps on the beach and then they don't clean it up so distracted runners sprint right through it mucking their sneakers up..UGHHHHHH......
Nina said:
People who let their BIG dogs, take BIGGER dumps on the beach and then they don't clean it up so distracted runners sprint right through it mucking their sneakers up..UGHHHHHH......

*shivers* ew. ew! EW!

Just_Some_Dude said:
overly manicured lawns


burning all that gas powered equipment, and for what? so you can have a straight line of grass along the driveway edges. jeez. or perfectly symmetrical shrubs? ffs

It's called being smancy. :cool:
To be honest, I like to consider myself a fairly patient person.
A few of my pet peeves have already been mentioned in this thread, but here are a few that I would like to add:

- Tweens, Teenagers talking about "love" "relationships" and "men"
Focus on your studies and your future instead of how much you "love" your bf and will be ~~*together, lyke, 4eva*~~.

- Minority men and women that complain about why got no White people after them.
Back in the day when I had my account on POF and stalked their forums like a loser with no life - but instead, I do that here now - I would often come across threads from fellow minorities complaining how White people - apparently - won't give them the time of day or any sexy-sexy solely because of their race.

The most common one that I've come into are from Asian men, complaining why gots no White women after them, why no one likes Asian men, why White male/ Asian female couples are common and not the other way around.
Then they go and blame their race up and down, inside-out, blah blah-woe-is-me-blah etc.
Now I understand that you're attracted to what you're attracted to, but often I've seen them back up their preference with: "Asian women are: Gold-diggers/ Abusive, Cruel, Loud, Selfish/ Ugly and flat".
That, or they view White women as divine trophies.

Well, okay. Even if I was the most desperate White woman there was out there, I still wouldn't date your ass.
Like I said, a (natural) preference is a preference, but you just have got to step away from poor experiences, ridiculous assumptions, race-blaming for your dating troubles.

<.< I imagine this post may not go well, but I just had to get it out there.

Anyway, the point being - all I know is that if no one appreciates my hot-angry-Asian-firecracker-ass, I'll send them a fortune cookie to remind them:

If I can be okay with your post anyone can...My husband is Japanese...From being so involved with his family and culture, I know exactly what you're saying...Some if not many Asian men see whilte women as trophies, most openly admit it.

It took me forever getting that dog-poo off the bottoms of my sneakers...UGHHHH @ piggy-dog owners. I'm still miffed!
There are the good men and women in every race that do not look at others as trophies, but they're not the ones I'm complaining about haha. :p
Either way, I like my sexy little saucy dishes of all cultures! :D
Rude Atheists, snotty Christians, or any overly aggressive religious person I don't mind religion. I myself am religious. But I cannot stand when a person will berate another with "Allah/G-d/God/Shiva is the only God and what you're doing is wrong and unnatural!" If I'm not hurting anyone, then it's really none of your business. But I particularly find Atheists worse because not only do they insult your intelligence, they are belligerent dream crushers. That said, I have met nice Atheists. Just like how I've met mean Buddhists.[/b]

Soup slurping, gum smacking, wet kissing noises, banana chewing noises (any kind of gross mouth noise) Ugh. I just shuddered.

Girls who wear racerback tank tops with thick regular bras I read somewhere that exposed lacey undergarments and printed bandeaus peaking out from your dress are a new trend. When you pull this off, you look very Sarah Jessica Parker, you little trendinista. When you wear your dirty white bra with a deodorant chunk stained black tank, you look very Hialeah. Bleh.

People driving with a vendetta I'm pretty sure wherever you're going isn't so serious that you have to cut aroud 6 people.

When someone just texts you back Lol after you relay a long funny story

Those friends who keep trying to set you up with a guy/girl because unmarried and childless clearly means alone and unhappy
Bathrooms. If there a dozen empty bathroom stalls, and I pick the one on the very end - that isn't an invitation to occupy the only stall next to me and take a ****.

Ive had enough of this. I have heard this so much in my life and yes i am now sick of it. It is not okay to be mean in the name of "telling the truth" or just to be "honest". That doesn't make you less mean.
sadface said:
That doesn't make you less mean.

"Mean" is a subjective term. The person "being mean" is most likely not intentionally being mean. They may simply see the world in a more black & white perspective than you, and they honestly feel that they are simply stating truth as fact.

Badjedidude said:
sadface said:
That doesn't make you less mean.

"Mean" is a subjective term. The person "being mean" is most likely not intentionally being mean. They may simply see the world in a more black & white perspective than you, and they honestly feel that they are simply stating truth as fact.


But why does "stating the truth" preclude someone from being mean?
^^^It doesn't. A person can be mean or not mean either way.

I was just emphasizing that even if they seem mean while "telling the truth," it doesn't automatically mean that they're doing it out of malice or something.
Badjedidude said:
^^^It doesn't. A person can be mean or not mean either way.

I was just emphasizing that even if they seem mean while "telling the truth," it doesn't automatically mean that they're doing it out of malice or something.

Thank you, BJD. I actually have this problem... I consider myself a kind, friendly, good person generally, but I also tend to be blunt. I've unintentionally hurt people in this manner. In the past, I used to chalk it up to being a "they" problem, but as I've gotten older I've come to realize that different people are offended at different things, and I need to be sensitive to that. Still, I screw up sometimes, because I just seem to be lacking some skill some people have to know when it's not appropriate to say something... It's also a problem because my assumptions about what other people are saying to me are challenged; I don't know whether or not to trust people when they're being nice to me and I'm inclined to think they're being dishonest!

But believe me, I'm continuing to work on it!

I do tend to like people who are brutally honest too, though. I personally just find them easier to deal with. Sure, they're jackasses sometimes, but any compliment they give me I can receive graciously and I'm truly touched. They also don't expect me to be a mind-reader, which is nice. I'm willing to put up with a little bit of meanness to have a friend I know will tell me the truth.
Just_Some_Dude said:
wanting to be with the person you love, and hoping they know it, even when you are apart.

*Skips through the forum, wearing incredibly loooooourd flip flops*

I'm glad you said something nice, jsd... I was starting to think about getting out my rolling pin. >.<

Ftr, the whole grocery bagging thing was nice. I can't stand when you go through the checkout line and the bagger slams all your purchases into the bags though. I get all rawr-ish at that. =/

iBreathe said:
Just_Some_Dude said:
wanting to be with the person you love, and hoping they know it, even when you are apart.

*Skips through the forum, wearing incredibly loooooourd flip flops*

I'm glad you said something nice, jsd... I was starting to think about getting out my rolling pin. >.<

Ftr, the whole grocery bagging thing was nice. I can't stand when you go through the checkout line and the bagger slams all your purchases into the bags though. I get all rawr-ish at that. =/

..... erm... LOUD flip flops too. I totally meant to type lourd. It's a lot like loud, but slightly loudER...?
*hides* >_>

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