Poueff said:
A question to my bros here. When asking a girl to "be your girlfriend",what exacly should I say? "Wanna be my girl?" sounds pretty weird,even more weird if it's translated in portuguese. "Want to date me" isn't specific,"Can we be a couple" sounds very "vintage"/awkard especially if it's translated. So,how should I say it? >.>
Generally how I do it is this:
FIRST I tell them very seriously that "we need to talk." Most of the time I've only done this to women who I was first
friends with, so that's where I'm coming from when I'm telling you my way of doing it. Make sure you frown a bit when you tell them this, so their mind races and they wonder what's so serious. It's just a way of getting a woman's attention firmly on you. lol
SECOND I begin with something like this. "We've known each other for... how long? 5 months?" etc etc "I've really enjoyed spending time with you, and I feel a lot closer to you now than I did before..." Generally just give her a decent talk about how you've enjoyed being around her and how you feel your friendship has really grown. Even hint that it's outgrowing friendship.
THIRD I would pop the question in a gentle form like this: "SO.... I guess what I'm really wondering is... are we just having fun together? Or... are we heading somewhere more... serious?"
I have no idea what her response would be, but generally it would either be excitement or hesitance. Obviously if she's a bit hesitant it could mean that she's never thought of being with you romantically. That's OK.
FOURTH Give her time to think it over. Tell her that you don't want an answer right now. "I think you should go home, think about it for a day or two (without being around me), and see if maybe you'd like to give this a try."
That's pretty much how I would go about it. But if you feel like you should do it differently or this isn't your style, then go ahead and wing it.

There's never anything wrong with being original and doing it YOUR way, the way you feel that you would do it. Try to imagine yourself as a character in a kick-ass action book or movie. How would HE do it?
Then do it that way.

You'll do fine.