Questions for the Men

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EDIT: also, what kinds of things make a guy think a girl is "crazy"?
Define 'crazy'.

what should a girl wear to 'meet for a drink' for the first time?
Straight up informal. Jeans and a t-shirt, that kind of thing (or blouse) will win more points from me than if you spend a lot of time on getting 'prettied up' and end up dressing up for the other women.

Do guy's prefer girls with very long hair, below the butt, just long just above the butt or shorter? Just wondering.
I don't have a length preference. In the case of short hair though, it really depends on whether you have the features to pull off shorter hair. I've seen some very attractive women with short hair, and others who really need grow their hair out.

also, another question, do guys like it if the girl is the one to "make the first move"?
For the love of all that is holy, Yes.

If a guy tells a girl that he's interested in her and likes her, but doesn't make much an effort to talk to her does that mean he's waiting for the girl to make the first move?
Probably. Some guys completely freeze up when it comes to talking to or asking out the girl they're attracted to.[/size]
guys who like stayng in, watching a movie and cuddle their gf til they fall a sleep ! how the hell can a girl change a guy like that to more of outgoing crazy nutter who wouldnt stay in or watch tv but go out and make truople?
Emma ruby said:
guys who like stayng in, watching a movie and cuddle their gf til they fall a sleep ! how the hell can a girl change a guy like that to more of outgoing crazy nutter who wouldnt stay in or watch tv but go out and make truople?

A girl CANNOT "change" a guy unless they want him to become a wimpy little mama's boy of a roll-over. Honestly, you don't want to be with the kind of guy that will change himself to that degree just for you. Find a guy who knows what he wants and refuses to become your little fantasy man.

Once people start trying to "change" or "fix" each other in a relationship, the relationship might as well be over, because it's just simply not going to work out. We are what we are and to attempt to transform each other into some great fantasy version of each other just demeans us and ruins your respect for one another.
If a guy asked me what I was doing this weekend, I would respond, you have any plans? Maybe we can do nothing together....OH, I AM SO BOLD!
Emma ruby said:
guys who like stayng in, watching a movie and cuddle their gf til they fall a sleep ! how the hell can a girl change a guy like that to more of outgoing crazy nutter who wouldnt stay in or watch tv but go out and make truople?

Find a more outgoing guy. You can't really change someone.
A question to my bros here. When asking a girl to "be your girlfriend",what exacly should I say? "Wanna be my girl?" sounds pretty weird,even more weird if it's translated in portuguese. "Want to date me" isn't specific,"Can we be a couple" sounds very "vintage"/awkard especially if it's translated. So,how should I say it? >.>
Poueff said:
A question to my bros here. When asking a girl to "be your girlfriend",what exacly should I say? "Wanna be my girl?" sounds pretty weird,even more weird if it's translated in portuguese. "Want to date me" isn't specific,"Can we be a couple" sounds very "vintage"/awkard especially if it's translated. So,how should I say it? >.>

Generally how I do it is this:

FIRST I tell them very seriously that "we need to talk." Most of the time I've only done this to women who I was first friends with, so that's where I'm coming from when I'm telling you my way of doing it. Make sure you frown a bit when you tell them this, so their mind races and they wonder what's so serious. It's just a way of getting a woman's attention firmly on you. lol

SECOND I begin with something like this. "We've known each other for... how long? 5 months?" etc etc "I've really enjoyed spending time with you, and I feel a lot closer to you now than I did before..." Generally just give her a decent talk about how you've enjoyed being around her and how you feel your friendship has really grown. Even hint that it's outgrowing friendship.

THIRD I would pop the question in a gentle form like this: "SO.... I guess what I'm really wondering is... are we just having fun together? Or... are we heading somewhere more... serious?"

I have no idea what her response would be, but generally it would either be excitement or hesitance. Obviously if she's a bit hesitant it could mean that she's never thought of being with you romantically. That's OK.

FOURTH Give her time to think it over. Tell her that you don't want an answer right now. "I think you should go home, think about it for a day or two (without being around me), and see if maybe you'd like to give this a try."

That's pretty much how I would go about it. But if you feel like you should do it differently or this isn't your style, then go ahead and wing it. :) There's never anything wrong with being original and doing it YOUR way, the way you feel that you would do it. Try to imagine yourself as a character in a kick-ass action book or movie. How would HE do it?

Then do it that way. :cool: You'll do fine.
Thanks BJDude :p Guess I was only thinking about the one-liners >.>
i dont know if this question was asked be4. Would u walk away if u find out the girl is a virgin and u are not really attached? Please be totally honest.
spectacles said:
i dont know if this question was asked be4. Would u walk away if u find out the girl is a virgin and u are not really attached? Please be totally honest.

In my case,being I'm a virgin myself and most girls my age are also aswell,I would walk away if I found she WASN'T a virgin. Sluts bug me.

Oh,and I bet most guys prefer virgin girls to non-virgin girls. It just shows that she's keeping all along,and if she does love you and has sex with you,it'll have much more meaning than with a girl that has been having sex with most guys she liked since age 13 and was more used than a paper bag.
May be:

An attempt to see if you're "spoken for"
Looking for suggestions (he's bored too)
A conversation starter
Why do some guys tell us that they care for us and love us, when they really don't?
VanillaCreme said:
Why do some guys tell us that they care for us and love us, when they really don't?

Honest answer or sweet answer?
I watched that video in your sig Poueff. My eyes were just locked on her tits the entire time. O_O

VanillaCreme said:
Why do some guys tell us that they care for us and love us, when they really don't?
Mmm. I have been lurking this site for years and made an account recently but never posted until now. For some reason I want to answer this.

These "some" guys lie because they know women don't want to hear that a guy is only interested in them for sex. Once you give it up to these guys they will come to expect it regularly and will easily lie just to keep you happy. Its a lot easier than finding someone new every night.

Another reason could be that these "some" guys are just confusing lust with love. As time goes on their passion wears out and they leave. This usually happens to younger guys and guys without much experience in relationships. Try to forgive them because they are just ignorant. This problem isn't really gender specific. Young men and women make this mistake all the time.

Anyways, these "some" guys ruin it for the rest of us. Women rarely believe me when I tell them I care about them. It is hard for some women to trust men.
VanillaCreme said:
Why do some guys tell us that they care for us and love us, when they really don't?

Because they either wanna **** you or they do actually care for you... IN THEIR OWN WAY. They're not chicks. They're not going to show you their appreciation in ways that make sense to you, most of the time. You just have to watch closely and find out what their ways are.

Or they're lying. Again, because they might want to **** you. Or because they're trying to be nice even when they hate your guts.
Lies are means to an end, as usual. Finding the right buttons to push can be achieved by finding out what the other party wants to hear, what emotional motivators they have, and shamelessly abuse that knowledge. Personally, you couldn't wrench out the word 'love' out of me to a woman if I didn't mean it without the aid of some pretty nasty medieval torture devices. Although I haven't tried any of the more modern apparatuses, don't know how far the science of immoral torture has advanced, really.
Limlim said:
I watched that video in your sig Poueff. My eyes were just locked on her tits the entire time. O_O

You got the content anyway
Badjedidude said:
VanillaCreme said:
Why do some guys tell us that they care for us and love us, when they really don't?

Because they either wanna **** you or they do actually care for you... IN THEIR OWN WAY. They're not chicks. They're not going to show you their appreciation in ways that make sense to you, most of the time. You just have to watch closely and find out what their ways are.

Or they're lying. Again, because they might want to **** you. Or because they're trying to be nice even when they hate your guts.

Putting it simply an bluntly, QFT. Women look at love in such a complex way, guys don't.

LOL @ Poueff posting in this thread :D
New question for the men--I have a neighbor that I slowly have become friends with. We happen to meet sometimes and talk for even more than an our about general things, but also about his and my X and his children. I know he is not in a relationship. I don't want to be anthing more than friends with him. We even discussed that each of us have enough issues to get involved at the current time. He gave me his email address, asked me to become his friend on Facebook, and we have been corresponding on and off. We haven't met outside for about a month now, probably because he has another house near where his kids live with their Mom, and stays there sometimes and he also works different shifts.

I emailed him one day in reply to one of his messages, and asked him if he would like to go out for a cup of coffee, just as friends, and if he would drive, I would treat.

Since then, I haven't heard a word from him. I continue to send him FWD'd jokes, but no other emails.

What do you think of that?

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