1. Flush mid pee and race the toilet.
Nope. Never thought about it. Seems like a waste of jacking up my water bill though.
2. Fantasized about their female friends. Yes...all of them.
NOT ALL OF THEM!! Just, ya know, the one's I'm attracted to...
3. When I'm in the shower, I like to cup the water to my chest then watch it splash to the floor.
4. Entering Beast Mode running up stairs while alone.
It's faster.
5. Instead of using twist-ties to close bread, just spin the open end of the bag and tuck it underneath.
It's faster.
6. Thought about freezing time.... and then doing naughty things to people.
Yep. Guilty. Also, might oppertunistically steal some valuable stuff to sell. Watches, wallets, jewelry, etc. C'mon if you could freeze time, you'd probably do it too.
7. Every man has woken up with morning wood and had to do the leaning tower of pizza to hit the toilet.
I hate when this happens....-_-....When I'm NOT single, this doesn't happen though. Hhmm, I wonder why...-_-....
8. Checked online to see if their length is adequate.
Yeah, but you can't really trust the internet on that. That's like trying to find your body fat percentage using a calculator rather than measuring tools. You're not gonna get the correct result. And really, quite frankly, it doesn't mean enough to me to pursue finding out otherwise.
9. All men at one point in their lives have given The Nod TM to another man for one reason or another. They have also given it to a woman, only to receive a look of confusion.
"I trust you. Go now."
10. Blow nose into hands in the shower.
Shower? No. When surfing? Yes. I'm ******* surfing, and there could sharks. I'm not gonna take the time to worry about snot. At no point do I want to have to explain to someone: "Well, I didn't get back on the board soon enough because my nose was runny and that's why I lost my leg I guess." Nope. Not me. Not gonna be that guy.
11. Waft the bed covers to unsheathe a fart.
Well, if it's cold, and you wanna cover your face, you don't wanna dutch oven YOURSELF you see...
12. While peeing tried to cover entire surface of water with pee bubbles.
Never tried that either. Thought never occurred to me.
13. When I write a comment on a girls Facebook, I re-read it a million times after sending it to make sure it doesn't sound dumb.
No, I usually just run with it.
14. Imagine how you would save your work place, school or whatever from terrorists.
Yeah. By offering them my boss and the office manager as ransom for the freedom of the rest of us. xD
15. Looked at their poop when they finished. I mean sometimes you just need to enjoy the masterpiece you just created.
For medical reasons, really.
16. Watch romantic comedies alone. No one else can be present. No one can know.
No. Not really. Maybe like 1 or 2 ever? And I can't even remember their names at the moment.
17. Take off my underwear and then kick it up into my hand and feel like a ******* ninja master.
Yes. Because when you lift heavy crap all day, the last thing you want to do is bend over again.
18. Deleted their search history.
I didn't have internet for a year and a half and used only public access. I did this when logging out as a matter to keep people from getting to my billing information and whatnot. Now, it's just a reflex.
19. Aim your pee at the edge of the toilet water or higher to avoid people knowing your pissing
Some times you just don't wanna wake people up. Like, at all costs do not wake them up.
20. Tried to see how far away you can get whilst taking a pee and keeping it in the bowl.
That's fun to do the next morning after a night of really awesome sex. hahaha. Okay yeah, I've done that one. Just, not in a very very long time.