Questions for the Women

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Someone asked a question regarding MRAs and lots of conversations developed from it, that's the point of a forum.
TheRealCallie said:
Do you bother to read what I say or do you just argue about what you think I said?  Seriously, READ what I write if you going to try to argue with me and stop trying to make it seem like I said something I didn't. 

But, yeah, okay, let me just pass my kids over to my ex since I can't afford them fully without the child support.  Maybe then he'll see them more than a few hours a month.  And before you argue there, he can see them WHENEVER he wants, he chooses not to.

Let my friend pass her kid over to the guy that beat the **** out of her while she was pregnant because she has to have government assistance to afford the child, even though she has a full time job.

I don't think M also lonely is really qualified to realistically comment on child support/ custody issues (or "Questions for the Women" for that matter). I doubt he has any real life experience with this.

TheRealCallie said:
Do you bother to read what I say or do you just argue about what you think I said?  Seriously, READ what I write if you going to try to argue with me and stop trying to make it seem like I said something I didn't. 

But, yeah, okay, let me just pass my kids over to my ex since I can't afford them fully without the child support.  Maybe then he'll see them more than a few hours a month.  And before you argue there, he can see them WHENEVER he wants, he chooses not to.

Let my friend pass her kid over to the guy that beat the **** out of her while she was pregnant because she has to have government assistance to afford the child, even though she has a full time job.

Man takes off his pants to screw a woman, gets said woman pregnant....HIS responsibility too. He didn't HAVE to have sex with her. Damn straight he should help pay for that child, whether he wanted the child or not.

DarkSelene said:
Someone asked a question regarding MRAs and lots of conversations developed from it, that's the point of a forum.

Yes. someone recently mentioned something like, "This is a public forum, it you don't...."    I don't remember what was next. But yes, this is the point of a forum to have open discussions.
kamya said:
TheRealCallie said:
  If you choose to have sex, you are responsible, regardless of whether you want to be or not. 

Only if you have the penis.

If you have the vagina you have options. You can get an abortion or give the kid up for adoption. Boom! No financial responsibility.

If the man doesn't want to have a baby and the woman decides she wants to keep the baby and not put it up for adoption, then she should be able to provide for it on her own without child support. 

That is the logical way things should be.

The only reason It's not how things are is because the courts are more concerned with the child's best interest and reducing the state's financial burden in paying for unwanted kids. They already drain the system as it is.

Is it really right to force the mother to choose between abortion or becoming destitute?  I'm assuming your political views here, but it doesn’t seem like you’d support welfare for single mothers either, so that would be the choice.
The man in this case is still choosing to have sex. No sexy times = no unwanted children.
ardour said:
kamya said:
TheRealCallie said:
  If you choose to have sex, you are responsible, regardless of whether you want to be or not. 

Only if you have the penis.

If you have the vagina you have options. You can get an abortion or give the kid up for adoption. Boom! No financial responsibility.

If the man doesn't want to have a baby and the woman decides she wants to keep the baby and not put it up for adoption, then she should be able to provide for it on her own without child support. 

That is the logical way things should be.

The only reason It's not how things are is because the courts are more concerned with the child's best interest and reducing the state's financial burden in paying for unwanted kids. They already drain the system as it is.

Is it really right to force the mother to choose between abortion or becoming destitute?  I'm assuming your political views here, but it doesn’t seem like you’d support welfare for single mothers either, so that would be the choice.
The man in this case is still choosing to have sex.   No sexy times = no unwanted children.

There is also the option give the child up at birth. Abortion isn't the only option women have for getting out of dealing with an unwanted kid.

As long as that option exists then it's only fair to extend that option for men as well.
I sense a lot of folks are speaking theory rather than from experience. As a child, I lived through custody battles. As a parent, I won a custody battle. Despite these experiences, I acknowledge that the topic of child custody is far too nuanced for some of the generalizations and claims that are being typed here. That is all.
M_also_lonely said:
TheRealCallie said:
Do you bother to read what I say or do you just argue about what you think I said?  Seriously, READ what I write if you going to try to argue with me and stop trying to make it seem like I said something I didn't. 

But, yeah, okay, let me just pass my kids over to my ex since I can't afford them fully without the child support.  Maybe then he'll see them more than a few hours a month.  And before you argue there, he can see them WHENEVER he wants, he chooses not to.

Let my friend pass her kid over to the guy that beat the **** out of her while she was pregnant because she has to have government assistance to afford the child, even though she has a full time job.

Man takes off his pants to screw a woman, gets said woman pregnant....HIS responsibility too. He didn't HAVE to have sex with her. Damn straight he should help pay for that child, whether he wanted the child or not. 

Man takes off his pants to screw a woman, gets said woman pregnant....HIS responsibility too.  He didn't HAVE to have sex with her.  Damn straight he should help pay for that child, whether he wanted the child or not.  

Man has children in committed relationship, decides to leave woman and children...STILL his responsibility.  He chose to leave, he should damn well have to help support the children.  

And before anyone says anything, I feel the same way if it were the other way around.
  If you don't want children, you have two options....don't have sex or get castrated/get your uterus taken out.  Otherwise, it's damn well your responsibility.

As I said, read ALL of what I say and read what is actually there, not what you choose to put in there to try to make me look bad. 

Never said anything about rape, so nice try.  Actual rapists that father children are a different story, they should be sent to prison, forced to launder cloth diapers for the rest of their lives, wear those labor simulation things every day and share a cell with big dudes named Bubba.
TheRealCallie said:
  Damn straight he should help pay for that child, whether he wanted the child or not.   

Man has children in committed relationship, decides to leave woman and children... STILL his responsibility. 
Can't seem to be dumbed down further by me. But nice try. This seems to be turning into an argument so I'll take a break for now, since we know what happens when we question/contradict certain people's opinions. All things have been answered, all you have to do before accusing others for not reading, you should read kamya's replies. bye.
I'm sure no one is going to read any of this, but these are very interesting and have lots of information:

Benefits of post-divorce shared parenting (Tromp, 2009):

Parenthood, Custody,and Gender Bias in the Family Court (Cynthia A. McNeely, 1998):

Also, one other issue that MRAs are quite passionate about and I'm not sure it was mentioned:

"Male Circumcision: It's a personal choice" OP-ED criticizing the American Medical Association position on male circumcision by Marc Angelucci :
ardour said:
Richard_39 said:
What a prick.

Me or Roosh?
Roosh has said some horrendous things.

LOL Roosh is, NOT you. I don't know you enough to call you a prick. Besides which, you'd need to say a lot more stuff before I did ;-)
Not Roosh is  aprick. He's practically saying women enjoy being raped. Which is why I'll forever be disappointed I didn't have the chance to pop him one.
So how do you ladies feel about feminism and women's rights advocacy?

* Do you consider yourself to be a feminist a WRA, both or neither?
* What are the goals you think these groups should focus on achieving?
* What inequalities remain in current western culture ans society?
* Any other thoughts opinions willing to share?

If I speak for myself I'd have to say I lean more towards WRA and the fight to stop arranged marriages / child brides, ownership rights to ground, homes and equity and equal opportunity overall, these apply mainly to non western society.
MisterLonely said:
So how do you ladies feel about feminism and women's rights advocacy?

* Do you consider yourself to be a feminist a WRA, both or neither?
* What are the goals you think these groups should focus on achieving?
* What inequalities remain in current western culture ans society?
* Any other thoughts opinions willing to share?

If I speak for myself I'd have to say I lean more towards WRA and the fight to stop arranged marriages / child brides, ownership rights to ground, homes and equity and equal opportunity overall, these apply mainly to non western society.
I'd call myself a feminist, and I notice that feminism is quite broadly misunderstood and has been given a bad reputation over the years.
The most important goals WRAs are trying to achieve right now are mostly Eastern problems like child marriages, human sex trafficking, FGM, and smashing Eastern ideologies about women (See  Saudi Arabia for example). 
In the UK and I'd imagine it's similar in the US, women are the most likely to be murdered by their current or ex partners, taking up a huge percentage of murder victims. The same goes with sexual abuse and domestic violence. This is also a massive problem but how do we stop people from being horrible? This issue really takes precedence in the West. 
Growing up as a girl and seeing women in naughty mags, always having their bodies on show, being sold for the 'male gaze' and for a bunch of people to have sexual fantasies/ fantasies about them or themselves so they'd buy a product or watch a film, it gave me a weird idea of women, I wish I saw more powerful and inspiring women in the media. Not only that, but I've noticed that certain kinds of men and boys separate themselves from women, I know a lot of people who won't be friends with women and will only have sex with them. I've always found it weird as most of my friends are men. Oh and people love to blame women, what's that they say, it's probably the mothers fault? 
I really advocate for one issues feminists haven't put very much focus on. And that's that boys and men are tremendously more criminalised than women and girls, but this isn't only an issue with police work but the biases of jurors. I'm not saying more girls should go to prison, but penalising men for minor crimes is only making the prisons more overpopulated and ineffective and poisonous. 

.... That's just my opinion :),
Brennabean said:
I'd call myself a feminist, and I notice that feminism is quite broadly misunderstood and has been given a bad reputation over the years.
The most important goals WRAs are trying to achieve right now are mostly Eastern problems like child marriages, human sex trafficking, FGM, and smashing Eastern ideologies about women (See  Saudi Arabia for example). 
In the UK and I'd imagine it's similar in the US, women are the most likely to be murdered by their current or ex partners, taking up a huge percentage of murder victims. The same goes with sexual abuse and domestic violence. This is also a massive problem but how do we stop people from being horrible? This issue really takes precedence in the West. 

.... That's just my opinion :),

Thanks for sharing your opinion Brennabean,
I'll say some things, please know I'm not trying to "disprove" your points, because they are all valid points, and furthermore they are your opinion and can't be disproven even if I wanted to! I'm just providing counter opinion, and more talking points :)

I can not help but notice that all the points that are aimed at the western society are already laws in place, one could argue that there is nothing left to advocate for, beating on a partner or kids is illegal, murder is illegal and rape is illegal.

Growing up as a girl and seeing women in naughty mags, always having their bodies on show, being sold for the 'male gaze' and for a bunch of people to have sexual fantasies/ fantasies about them or themselves so they'd buy a product or watch a film, it gave me a weird idea of women

Yet being topless at the beach and burning a bra is empowering, taking control of ones sexuality, and casting off the chains of oppression, it seems the way women have viewed nudity over time has changed, or is still changing. Being from the Netherlands I can name a few movies that had both male and female nudity in abundance, they were from the 70's and 80's, it was already less in the 90's and is even less now.
Sex sells, I doubt that will ever change.

Not only that, but I've noticed that certain kinds of men and boys separate themselves from women, I know a lot of people who won't be friends with women and will only have sex with them

Hmm, I wonder what the cause of this behavior is, I myself have no female friends, or male for that part ... This could be a case of genuine misogyny, or bad experiences, I have no clue about the motivation really. I think there will be a portion of women and girls that does the same though.

Oh and people love to blame women, what's that they say, it's probably the mothers fault?

I have never seen or heard a man say that, unless it was about their own mother, in which case I can not say they are right or wrong. Now I have seen and heard a few other women do so. Internalized Misogyny at work?

I really advocate for one issues feminists haven't put very much focus on. And that's that boys and men are tremendously more criminalised than women and girls, but this isn't only an issue with police work but the biases of jurors. I'm not saying more girls should go to prison, but penalising men for minor crimes is only making the prisons more overpopulated and ineffective and poisonous.

So... the way to deal with men being judged harder by the justice system than women for the same crimes is to lower the penalty instead of applying the same standard to all humans, I never thought of this point that way, I always thought same crime, same time... but this would give the same result, and lessen the burden on society.
MisterLonely said:
So how do you ladies feel about feminism and women's rights advocacy?

* Do you consider yourself to be a feminist a WRA, both or neither?
* What are the goals you think these groups should focus on achieving?
* What inequalities remain in current western culture ans society?
* Any other thoughts opinions willing to share?

If I speak for myself I'd have to say I lean more towards WRA and the fight to stop arranged marriages / child brides, ownership rights to ground, homes and equity and equal opportunity overall, these apply mainly to non western society.

- I don't consider myself a WRA because I'm not actively advocating for anything regarding women's issues, that deals with a lot of international laws and cultural discrepancies that I'm not sure we can actually change.
- A lot of the issues we see in the East are issues with nations where humans rights doesn't really exist, and in those instances it'd be really inexcusable to target issues that affect a specific gender instead of trying to make justice for all.
- Regarding females, none.
- I'm most definitely not a feminist. It was **** since the first wave.
DarkSelene said:
MisterLonely said:
So how do you ladies feel about feminism and women's rights advocacy?

* Do you consider yourself to be a feminist a WRA, both or neither?
* What are the goals you think these groups should focus on achieving?
* What inequalities remain in current western culture ans society?
* Any other thoughts opinions willing to share?

If I speak for myself I'd have to say I lean more towards WRA and the fight to stop arranged marriages / child brides, ownership rights to ground, homes and equity and equal opportunity overall, these apply mainly to non western society.

- I don't consider myself a WRA because I'm not actively advocating for anything regarding women's issues, that deals with a lot of international laws and cultural discrepancies that I'm not sure we can actually change.
- A lot of the issues we see in the East are issues with nations where humans rights doesn't really exist, and in those instances it'd be really inexcusable to target issues that affect a specific gender instead of trying to make justice for all.
- Regarding females, none.
- I'm most definitely not a feminist. It was **** since the first wave.

Thanks for your comment hon!

- A lot of the issues we see in the East are issues with nations where humans rights doesn't really exist, and in those instances it'd be really inexcusable to target issues that affect a specific gender instead of trying to make justice for all.

Very good point.
DarkSelene said:
MisterLonely said:
So how do you ladies feel about feminism and women's rights advocacy?

* Do you consider yourself to be a feminist a WRA, both or neither?
* What are the goals you think these groups should focus on achieving?
* What inequalities remain in current western culture ans society?
* Any other thoughts opinions willing to share?

If I speak for myself I'd have to say I lean more towards WRA and the fight to stop arranged marriages / child brides, ownership rights to ground, homes and equity and equal opportunity overall, these apply mainly to non western society.

- I don't consider myself a WRA because I'm not actively advocating for anything regarding women's issues, that deals with a lot of international laws and cultural discrepancies that I'm not sure we can actually change.
- A lot of the issues we see in the East are issues with nations where humans rights doesn't really exist, and in those instances it'd be really inexcusable to target issues that affect a specific gender instead of trying to make justice for all.
- Regarding females, none.
- I'm most definitely not a feminist. It was **** since the first wave.


You are definitely a man. I'm sure you are aware that most here think you're a woman and you've happily kept up the façade - but, no. You're a guy.

SofiasMami said:

You are definitely a man. I'm sure you are aware that most here think you're a woman and you've happily kept up the façade - but, no. You're a guy.


Lmao indeed.

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