TheRealCallie said:
They met in a GAME, chances are pretty damn high that she knew she didn't want to date him before she ever even knew what he looked like....if she ever found out what he looked like.
I just don't see how you can know, before you even really know the person, that you already don't want to date them. I've heard of people getting into relationships who originally met in games, or on forums like this. In fact, I've seen a marriage happen that started off as two strangers that met on a forum from different continents.
It reminds me of something that happened to me once. I met a girl on another forum who liked a lot of the same things I did, and because of this, I assumed she was unattractive. I never saw a clear picture of her face on the forum, and I only found out what she really looked like when we became Facebook friends. I couldn't believe how wrong I was, because she was one of the most attractive women I'd ever seen in my life. And I already knew from the forum that we had common interests and that she was a pretty intriguing, unique person.
Also, if you've already made up your mind that the person you're talking to is only worth so much and no more, then why even bother talking to them. Just keep it short and businesslike.
MisterLonely said:
Walk up to a girl you know, you have talked to before but never anything more than friendship, and then slap your arm around her and say "hey honey, where shall we go tonight, want to grab a movie, or should we go visit the parental unit before they whine about never seeing us"
That is basically a real world example of what kaetic experienced in that game, someone she knew and had good friendly relations with took that further without her knowing or wanting that, he decided they were now a thing... and that has nothing to do with him being a gamer/nerdy dude or anything about his physique or intellect or social status and wealth.
I can't say what will not get a guy "sorted" into a category he doesn't want to be in for every case, but in this case I can, if you don't want to sorted as a creep, don't act like one... because you got to admit this is not normal behavior, it's creepy af!
OK, that's a little sudden. But I don't get why there have to be these rigid categories that once you're sorted into, that's it. For me, it always takes time for me to adjust to someone, to get a sense for what we have to talk about and how to talk to them, which is hard because there aren't a lot of women who like what I like, and if there are, it's usually that they like one or two things in common with me at the very most. I don't understand why there has to be no way to go from friends to more, if the person can build themselves up enough and come off like someone you could enjoy talking to, hanging out with, and building on previous interactions. If I met an attractive woman who was my friend first, I wouldn't care that I met them as a friend first, because that's probably what would happen. I've always thought things go from first being friends, where you learn how to talk to each other, build up some level of trust and familiarity, and then go to more when you see you have stuff to talk about and perhaps you start to like their looks. That's how I work with anyone, in fact, I was slow to get to know my male friends first too. I really can't do this mack stuff right off the bat, the suave, slick, greasy smooth-talker stuff. It's not me at all. I just feel like needing to do all that smooth-talk and banter and sexual innuendoes right off the bat would create an enormous amount of pressure, combined with the fact that the other person doesn't have any reason to trust you yet.