Holy Hell Kamya, my eyes are bleeding ;-)
I'm kind of a white knight, defender of all womankind, paladin of femaledom, etc etc. But, you know, like anyone who gets behind any kind of idea, you should be the first one to not be afraid to tear it to shreds and criticize the hell out of it when it gets out of hand.
I think Feminism (or any isms for that matter) were really great concepts...when they were thought up. Fact of the matter is (and this might be sheer arrogance or egotism on my part) that most of these concepts, in light of the fact that we're in 2018 and we know much, much more about the human mind then we did even 10 short years ago, are completely archaic and outdated. I sincerely believe that while sexism and racism and all that still do exist, they do not exist but in a small (half-insane) minority and that the different movements or causes that have existed since the 60's or before are only exacerbating those stances instead of helping eliminating them. You can't start looking at people like groups, not anymore. You can't look or say "women" any more, or "men" or "chinese people" or "immigrants", it's just not accurate anymore, not when you consider that they have VASTLY different social origins, backgrounds, jobs and evolutions, compared to say the 50's, where the vast majority(just in the case of women) were mothers and housewives. You can't say "black people" anymore either, when you consider that yes, some do still live in crime and poverty like the stereotypes go, but most of them have nice families, nice jobs, business suits and all that and you know, Idris Elba played the Gunslinger (which by the by, the movies sucks donkey balls, but Idris is a great actor and he did good with the crap they gave him). Oh and Morgan Freeman IS God. PERIOD.
What I do find interesting in Wallflower's question however, and Selene's reply, is the trope that I've seen everywhere, including on this site, from several people; in both sexes, most feel in competition, or feel there's WAY too much competitveness, in members of their own sexes. I remember Loaded mentioning it more than once, which is why he gravitates more towards women friendships. I myself am along those lines, don't like guys much usually. I'm sure the same is true for many of you out there. When you would strike a friendshiip with a member of your own sex, you'd say to someone, or think to yourself "Oh, well he/she is not like other guys/girls"..
And you know, I can't help but wonder, is it truly the case? Or is only our perceptions askance in some way, shape or form? Are we doing it intentionally or is there really that unmentioned, subconscious level of competitiveness between our own sexes? Because I can't accurately say it's exclusive with women, I was always thought the oddball or the black sheep growing up by guys most of my youth, only when they started being intimidated by my physical presence when I started training was I suddenly taking "as a man" by other men. Yet I always gyrated more towards "the nerds" and "the freaks" and all that, people like myself. And of course towards women, I think they picked up on "Oh, this guy is sexy" a lot more than other guys (thought I was always real popular with the homosexual crowd lol. I'm flattered, but sadly it's not my bag).
All that to say that I find that question real interesting lol. Also, I'd like to reference a videogame series where a truth was uttered by, purportedly, an actual historical figure, that I think has been incredibly ignored in context of modern day sociology (I'm real serious here too) and that isn't stated enough.
"Nothing is true; everything is permitted"
It commands us to be wise in all things and always second guess what our own views and notions can be. I think only in that way can we achieve greatness.
But, you know...what do I know in my shinning armor ;-)