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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 16.59.37.png

Honestly, thank yous are both over and underdone nowadays, I would hate to embarrass anyone, but ...
I feel wrong ranting about my life and not even taking a moment to say thank you to people who was there for me.
I was in hospital for nearly a month, when I had no one, I had people on here who cared
@Finished checked in on me and still managed to make me laugh and well
@Tryingtosurvive called me every single day, didn't even care about the annoying beeping machines I was hooked up to lol

People who sent me well wishes, engaged with some posts that were very heavy, well, I thank you all.

I just have to thank you because I don't know.... honestly I don't know...

Just thanks guys 😇

Thanks for being good humans in this awful world, hope this brightens your day as you've helped me out of some dark ones.

Ceno ole girl! x
I'm always going to be there for you 🥰 . You are a very special person in a slowly declining world🥰.
Me? Special? Lol nahh you saw me at my worst! Lol didnt even flinch… brave man! ✨ Cant thank you enough for the support actually…

Strange how people who we might never have seen before can save our lifes. But at the same time very inspiring
Honestly, sometimes strangers are more happy for you than people you know.. 😇

Wow I didn't know (actually I haven't come here because of the World Cup) ... sorry to hear about what happened and I'm glad you're out from the hospital
Awh yeah, better now for the most part 🙂 and speaking of WC… what did you think of that final!

Thank you Ceno! Knowing you are doing better makes me feel happy!
My Finished darling! What would I do without ya 😇✨
Awh yeah, better now for the most part 🙂 and speaking of WC… what did you think of that final!
amazing of course but I didn't want Argentina to win because I strongly reject the popularizing idea of Messi being superior to Maradona ... how about you