Thanks for asking John. It's cleaned up but buildings are still sitting in ruin waiting for their outcome. Some are old buildings so it is taking awhile for people to decide on what to do with them. I don't get it all, there are a few that are just unsafe and need to come down before they come down on their own. Some don't even have their windows boarded up they are that unsafe. I have pictures I took on Sunday (4 weeks later to the day) of a few I'll have to get them and post them. It was the first time I've actually walked around the town square since the tornado. Gimme a few minutes

Stupid photobucket is so slow...oh wait that's my freaking computer. lol
This is the Coffee Culture building. I could hear it creaking as I was taking these pictures. People lived upstairs, and those in the adjacent building (not pictured) where told they have to clear their stuff out.
Then there is this building, I didn't get a backside picture yet but it looks even worse from the back alley. They haven't even taken the signs down that are hanging or laying on the other signs. I'm not sure if anyone lived above the businesses, I don't think anyone did.
And I took this of the Victoria Street church, it was being torn down but that has stopped right now. The Heritage Community is making things difficult to tear down anything right now. Thought they claim that those rumors aren't true, there's guildlines that have to be followed when demolishing heritage buildings...okay.
I wanted to take more but I was loosing daylight and more clouds were rolling in. Most of other businesses that are still closed are boarded up, and West Street (where the tornado came up) is still closed off. They really need to move their ***** on this, winter is coming and these buildings are not safe as it is, imagine what could happen once it begins to snow. Around here we usually get hammered with snow too, this year though it's predicted we'll have a warmer than normal winter. Still though, a creaking building that is half gone, add the weight of snow...I don't want to be near them when that happens.