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Has anyone every done any kind of therapy? Like cognitive-behavioral therapy? Or just cognitive or just behavioral? If so, what was it like? Was it intensive? Group? Alone?

My school puts up these posters asking if you're shy, and if you are, that you should go to this meeting/therapy thing, I guess. I'm not sure how it works. The past two years I've always thought about attending, but was too, too shy to go to the shyness clinic (that's what they call it). But this year, I'm thinking, enough is enough. But, I am a little scared. So, if anyone can tell me their experiences with therapy, maybe it'll calm me.
Zorg said:
Has anyone every done any kind of therapy? Like cognitive-behavioral therapy? Or just cognitive or just behavioral? If so, what was it like? Was it intensive? Group? Alone?

My school puts up these posters asking if you're shy, and if you are, that you should go to this meeting/therapy thing, I guess. I'm not sure how it works. The past two years I've always thought about attending, but was too, too shy to go to the shyness clinic (that's what they call it). But this year, I'm thinking, enough is enough. But, I am a little scared. So, if anyone can tell me their experiences with therapy, maybe it'll calm me.

Its my turn to help you.
I haven't had therapy, but what do you have to lose?
No one who would go to this meeting would be judgemental, because they're there for the same reasons as you. Go!
Good thinking, Zorg! Away with the fears! But first You must loose the fear to loose the fears? ;) Well, see this as a test of Your strenght, just as with any other thing You must do to overcome Your fear. You have managed to do something You thought was really brave of You, haven't You? What happened? Did it work?

What's the worst thing that can happen in there, You think? If Your school has experts on the set who are there to "treat" shyness of students, i think they understand how hard it must be for You to attend to such meetings. They'll probably take good care of You, AND, what does it matter if there are gonna be other shy people in there with You? To overcome Your shyness You need to overcome Your shyness! The best way to deal with a fear is to expose Yourself to them and see that nothing bad is going to happen to You if You asked that person what the time is, or if that girl would like to sit with You at the table in the school-restaurant. You must proove to Yourself that You aren't going to let these damn fears take over You and lay ontop of the jar of life that is You.

Group or no group, really, Zorg, You can do it. Tell the demons in Your head that "NOW, it's time for ME to decide what to do for once!", get in through that door (to sign up at least, if You have to), completely sacrifice Yourself if You want to call it that, and do the best You can to dare to say what's on Your mind in this closed off area. It's no big deal in there, You're supposed to have troubles coming off!
Hi Zorg.

I haven't been to therapy for loneliness or being shy, but went for couple therapy when I was married (granted it didn't work out, but it wasn't the fault of the therapy), and I take my daughter for therapy. I'm a big believer in using help if it's available. I am a math teacher. I wouldn't begin to teach someone about poetry, I'd send them to an Language Arts teacher. They are the "professional", so I see using professionals for any problem, just one more resource to help in the problem. In school, you use resources to help you in assignments. See this as no different. If you don't like that particular resource, try another. (If you didn't find what you needed in that one book, wouldn't you go try another??) If this is a group therapy session, you would benefit by, at the very least, meeting more people you have at least one thing in common. These are potential friends!
Zorg -

I attended probably a year of DBT therapy for with a family member. I was there to sit in and fill in information as needed; but didn't actually participate so it was a little different. DBT stands for Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and is better suited for borderline personality disorder types (which is what my family member had). Either way; I think (without being a professional) that the goals of CBT and DBT is to help equip people with social skills which somewhere along the line they failed to acquire. In the case of a borderline personality disorder person or a bipolar person, without these skills and validation; traditional therapy tends to do more harm than good because it opens the wounds that these persons do not have the skills to process and heal.

DBT also strongly encourages group settings with positive results. My family member wouldn't do it. She thought it would be embarrassing and because of her validation issues was convinced that no one had it as bad as her or could understand her. She still did benefit from the one on one though. Rather than a session of talking about your day, or your past, or your family, you might focus on an incident and the tools you needed to process the incident rather than be further traumatized by it. Not a bad tool to learn.

Good luck. You could always commit yourself to a few sessions and then assess if it is doing more harm than good for you.
Zorg said:
Has anyone every done any kind of therapy? Like cognitive-behavioral therapy? Or just cognitive or just behavioral? If so, what was it like? Was it intensive? Group? Alone?

My school puts up these posters asking if you're shy, and if you are, that you should go to this meeting/therapy thing, I guess. I'm not sure how it works. The past two years I've always thought about attending, but was too, too shy to go to the shyness clinic (that's what they call it). But this year, I'm thinking, enough is enough. But, I am a little scared. So, if anyone can tell me their experiences with therapy, maybe it'll calm me.
Hi Zorg, Well if you are interested in this meeting/therapy, and think that it can help you, I suggest that you go fot it. Maybe you can find out more about it first by asking a teacher or the person who is running the therapy. Gee I wish that they would have had something like this when I was at school.

Going along with what Blue Sky said, if you do decide to check this group session out and decide to continue, I think it would be great to share with the forum anything you liked and think would benefit us here. Your steps may encourage others to do the same.
No, Zorg, therapy should not calm you. If anything, therapy should actually seduce you into confronting whatever your issues in the sense of alarm that they deserve.

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