What in the living **** are people subjecting themselves too, lol. What a stupid video.
Life is NOT about being some sort of buffed out, alpha, go getter ****, who has the respect of his fellow men and the love of the ladies. If that's true, then cosmo magazine really does portray the ideal every woman should aspire to, lol.
I swear to god, the internet just wants you to punch yourself in the dick and call it good.
Life, that precious thing we have a limited amount of, is varied. You know what other animals in the animal kingdom value status and hierarchy? Dogs and god damn baboons. And dogs are at least quite civil, compared to baboons; and the baboons make humans look bad by comparison.
I am so glad I was born early enough not to be poisoned by all this garbage.
The goal in life isn't to be a ******* douche bag. It's to explore, learn, create, love, and be amazed.
All this machismo comes from insecurity. There's many tough challenges in life that will require strength; and some are stronger than others. But, I'm fairly certain, strength is quite a relative concept, along with many other things; just like the old saying, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'
It's funny, it used to be women, who were constantly subjected to ultra-unrealistic ideals of feminine beauty. They'd buy all the make-up they were supposed to, find the fashion that was fashionable, read the little articles about how to do this and that for your man.
And now men are doing the same thing. They let other men, tell them what it means to be a man, and try to measure up, this way and that way.
F that.
-actually watched more of the video-
Seems the guy may be somewhat well intentioned towards a specific audience... So, I may have misjudged.
but still.. The reason so many people feel so unfilled in a meaning less and pointless existence, is because the culture that dominates us is ******* horse crap.
I mean by all means, be healthy and successful. But, that's the trick isn't it?