Hoping that I can escape this lifestyle one day. Wishing that I had figured it out and started working towards it 15 years ago or so. That is, if it's even possible at all.
Context: My mom just got back from grocery shopping and now there's some arguing about something that wasn't on sale. I can't stand listening to my parents moan, bicker, and argue about money. Not even talking about large amounts here, just when anything increases or isn't on sale, even by a few dollars. Makes me feel like we're natural-born losers, that's who we are. Like we're just inferior and lame.
Forget a Ferrari. I just don't want to spend my whole life living and feeling like this. I'd love to be able to just not give a damn if the price of something increases, especially if it's only a little. I know it could be better than this. We have one life to live, and I want to have known a better way of life before I have to go.
Oh and when I tried explaining about the IT career info session I went to yesterday, the knee jerk response was that it was a scam....ugh.
I hope it works though. I'd be willing to slog through it, even though I don't love it. At least it pays enough to live better, I'd feel like I was at least doing something about it other than moan. I'd feel like I was going on the offensive for a change, at least in some small way.
Like, I know I'm not perfect, and I'm not saying that I don't have compassion or understanding for people who, for whatever reason, don't do well financially. I'm there myself. I understand, I get it. This system doesn't work for everyone. And I'm not saying the good parts of our lives didn't matter or that I didn't appreciate them. It's just that some parts are frustrating too.