What are you thinking right now?

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I want to inspire.

Am I shallow?

Am I just normal?

Why is the world so small, yet so big?

What a very strange thing to have changed my life.

Do I really help people?

I have a lot of thoughts today.

(I'm also feeling a little horny, if we're being totally honest) :p
HOLY S**T WAS THAT COLD. The ice is off the lake now so I figured "why not?" and jumped in. Sucked the air right out of my lungs. Brrrr.....

Must do again tomorrow :D

Edit: just found a thermometer, must go down and check the temperature of the water.
Need to break up with my gf, but I've never been in the position to do the breaking up. Last time I tried she threatened to kill herself, then started trying to get everyone I know angry with me.

9006 said:
That doesn't help at all; I've been looking for work for around 7 months!

I feel your pain. Last time I was jobless it was around 9 months, and I was homeless for a couple of those months. :( What line of work were you in/want to be in, and what are your skills?

mintymint said:
WildernessWildChild said:
How many seconds it would take for me to get banned if I started a "Show us your Hooters" thread....

And the spinoff http://www.alonelylife.com/showthread.php?tid=10372

Needless to say, it got closed.
OK, this is getting frustrating, I still can't run. Walk, yes. Crazy hop, skip, lope thing, yes. Running though- it just isn't happening. Falling off that f**king ladder has really sucked major a**.

Whine finished.
I keep replaying a scene in my head from ATHF, when the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future tells the story of Santa Claws, the Great Red Ape.

"Wait wait wait... who.. who unionized?"
"Wouldn't YOU like to know! Probably yo' mama!"
Yesssss, success and notoriety at last. What's my prize for post 22222 on the thinking thread?
EveWasFramed said:
WildernessWildChild said:
Yesssss, success and notoriety at last. What's my prize for post 22222 on the thinking thread?


Feels good to be a winner- I shall cherish that blue ribbon forever. I'm kind of choked up (or a hairball).....

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