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I just don't know... Will the course become clear? Am I stuck at Midpoint station? So many doubts and uncertainties, insecurities. What do I seek? Should I post this? Here...
Tired, hungry, thirsty, no concentration, a little cider but I feel better than I did.
I'm almost drunk enough to write a long gibbering passage but I shall spare you. I look forward with anticipation to your gratitude and I'd like you to show it through the medium of chocolate...and/or pizza. As you were.
If I were gay...

How can you say that? How can you bloody say that?!?!? GFY!!!!

Edward W said:
I just don't know... Will the course become clear? Am I stuck at Midpoint station? So many doubts and uncertainties, insecurities. What do I seek? Should I post this? Here...

Yes... you should.
I'm really excited - one of my close friends and classmates is moving into my house. Her family is moving and she's in a bind, because her parents have decided that it's time for the kids to be pushed from the nest all at once. She was actually thinking of living out of her car until she found a place that would do a month-to-month lease, and I told her that was ridiculous, that'd be a roach motel. I said that she was welcome to stay here; we'd move things around and make it work. She accepted, and I had fun yesterday shopping for new sheets and towels and the little things to make the room inviting.

Now today is the big spring cleaning and purge of unnecessary items! I'm pleased, actually, this gives me the great motivation to get rid of some stuff and give the house a thorough going-over. :D Plus, she's a great kid and a part of our study group anyway, so we can continue to help motivate one another through the end of this program. She's offered to pay and also babysit my girls if needed, so I think this is going to be an excellent arrangement.
Tired of always being the one to be nice, to accommodate other people's feelings, but then only to be annoyed at, to be ignored, to be insulted, to be abandoned. I think people can GFT. If you have a problem with me, you can GFY. I'm tired of always watching out for YOUR feelings and emotions and honeysuckle. GEEEEEEEEZ. fresia this honeysuckle.
ladyforsaken said:
Tired of always being the one to be nice, to accommodate other people's feelings, but then only to be annoyed at, to be ignored, to be insulted, to be abandoned. I think people can GFT. If you have a problem with me, you can GFY. I'm tired of always watching out for YOUR feelings and emotions and honeysuckle. GEEEEEEEEZ. fresia this honeysuckle.

kickass :cool:

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