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Sometimes those middle-of-the-day naps lead to the most bizarre dreams. I'm still attempting to unravel the significance of the dream I had today, specifically the mini blueberry pies.
I pretty much think that means you need to go buy and eat one :)

I'm thinking I've pretty much wasted a whole day chatting here instead of doing my reno work upstairs. But this is sooooo much more enjoyable! **** it, now I want some blueberry pie Mountainvista! I'll be thinking of it for the rest of the day and wishing I had some :)
I was 37 when I had my little one. She's 8 now. She was early, but healthy.

In other news, why the fresia am I having these kinds of issues with a car that's only a year old???
What happened to service after the sale? How many people will I need to chew about before they freakin fix it?? o_O
I am thinking woah I saw Eve write fresia :p (but I am still fairly new around here). Just kidding hope you get the car thing sorted, go kick there ass :D!

In other thoughts :D!
evewasframed: i got some possibly very useful advice for you!

you know if you are in the UK and you bought that car as BRAND NEW you are covered by the sales of goods act 1979 (as amended), products don't have to just be 'fit for purpose' under this law but they must also be functional relative to the amount of time you would expect a product to last for, for example you'd expect an in date microwave meal you bought to be edible and tasty until the use by date, however something like a brand new car you can be covered by the expected 'fit for use ' duration of any product part of the sales of goods act and certainly a brand new car should not be unfit for use within a year and you ARE covered under this law and WHATEVER the car company says a new car should be fit for use MUCH Alonger than a year even if the warrentee or guarantee has expired and their policies try to tell you you gotta pay for this the sales of goods act 1979 legally is FAR superseded by any of that rubbish. ^_^ sorry if your not in the UK just trying to help if you are.

you can directly call a citizens advice expert who are pure geniuses with anything like this i think they're open for calls 9am-5 or 6 pm and its just the same advice as if you went to a CAB center in person just easier, i recently got sold a duff bed, they tried to cheat me with saying they don't take returns, i called the cab and called them back and quoted 'the sales of goods act 1979 (as amended)' and they hurriedly replaced my bed with a good one, please call them if you're in the UK, here are their numbers:

for Wales call 08444 77 20 20
for England call 08444 111 444

but that brand new car should have been 'fit for purpose' for an expected duration FAR longer than a year and your statutory rights from this law are that you should not have to pay a penny to have this car to be returned to being 'fit for purpose' as it is expected that a new car should be fit for use far longer than a year.

call that number for exactly what to say or write to them and i even have a URL for the sales of goods act law, if you write or tell them this in person from your CAB advice and they refuse to return your car to being fit for purpose for free then go to a citizens advice bureau and talk to an an in person agent there and tell them in full what is going on and they'll write you a letter to sign yourself and send it to them as the CAB folk will know exactly how to put legal pressure on them as you are in the right here and should not be charged a penny.

not a lot of people know the sales of goods act covers the expected time a product should be fit for use.

if in the US i cant help you but I'm a bit of an individual UK rights laws buff and the protections citizens have in the UK but apart from being a constitutional buff in the US but i couldn't tell you the specifics of consumer law over there however I'm sure it could be researched, you may have a similar law you don't know about at a state or federal level
We have "lemon laws" here as well. I wasn't a serious issue - a dead cell in the battery - just one that managed to screw up my day and make me late for work.
I've actually sued over a vehicle before. I sued Ford over a new F150 truck I bought. I won and they had to buy the truck back, as well as paying my attorney fees. The down side of that is it's a pain in the ass and takes months. :p
Hopefully I won't have anymore issues. I have an extended warranty for that kind of thing as well, but again, it's simply a pain in the ass.
Thanks for the info though! :D
Well, I guess he would know that over being able to count and such... Seeing to how all that happens down here are marriages and mating.
You've known me for almost half my life. You know why this time is hard for me, this day especially. I regularly make time to ask you how you are, what's new in your lives. Yet none of you can be bothered to remember, to take a few minutes out of your day and ask me how I'm doing. I only hear from you when you're in a "crisis". You have never asked about me, not once since you've known me. For once I would like to be the one who doesn't have to start a conversation. For once I would like to be asked about my feelings or my life.

Why am I the only one who ever cares?
I really want to read the novel written about Richey...

user 130057 said:
MTrip said:
Lippy_Kid said:
37 and still getting ID'd for beer. :rolleyes:

Enjoy it while it lasts, man...

Yeah, I don't think I've been asked for ID since I was 15. *SIGH*

Honestly at hour age it's just a pain. I'm 31 and it happens go me too. When you're in a flap and just trying to buy wine for your boyfriends birthday you can do without it! Especially when you have no Id. I think it was the totally off hand and exasperated way I said "I was born in 1982" that got it for me in the end though he still said "you're doing well on it" like I'm supposed to take it like a compliment. I've been waiting for the last 10 years to start looking and feeling like a grown up. Like a woman...
should I beware of a guy who writes on his business card, among his credentials, "nice guy"?
peaches...yes, if he is genuinelely kind, compassionate and genuine it should be self evident in his deeds and behavior, if it has to be written on a card then it sounds like a snake trying to look like a bunny rabbit to me....putting it on a business card? sounds like lional hutz from the flippin simpsons!
Solivagant said:
You've known me for almost half my life. You know why this time is hard for me, this day especially. I regularly make time to ask you how you are, what's new in your lives. Yet none of you can be bothered to remember, to take a few minutes out of your day and ask me how I'm doing. I only hear from you when you're in a "crisis". You have never asked about me, not once since you've known me. For once I would like to be the one who doesn't have to start a conversation. For once I would like to be asked about my feelings or my life.

Why am I the only one who ever cares?

I'm sorry you were treated like that Solivagant.

How are you feeling? How's life?

Peaches said:
should I beware of a guy who writes on his business card, among his credentials, "nice guy"?

You should beware. Nice people don't need to advertise that they're nice.
simhthmss said:
thank you for greatly shortening my waffle locke ^_^

Lol! Sorry, sim. I didn't see your post until after, for some reason.

I liked your snake and bunny metaphor better than my post. :)

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