What are you thinking right now?

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Why can't I just turn off my feelings when they start making things all messy for me... I will not binge watch netflix anymore! I really can't.
Why does every tofu recipe I look up have cumin in it? I don't have cumin. I wish my aunt didn't have to eat tofu, it's not very much fun to cook with so far.
Oh my gosh... I have to reset my password every time. Every single time. Why don't I just write it down...
If Skype was in a living form, I'd stab it and beat it to death.

Outcast said:
Thanks lady :). Your turn will come one day I'm sure.

Thank you!
Alma lost her spoon said:
Dang that caffiene eh lol

Yup, it's an evil temptress

hazel_flagg said:
What a hottie.

*blush* Oh GollyGeeGoshDarn, you've done gone and embarrassed me now. :p

Peaches said:
I can't stand parasites (in the sense of people)

Completely agree with this- it's such a vile insult to throw out to, them's definitely fightin' words :D

A work day with almost no sleep- arggghhhh.
I did it... Now I'm just going to be numb for a while. I hope I can keep it together and not cry myself to sleep tonight. Even if I do I'll be fine. I always am. :)
Outcast said:
^ Happy early birthday Ska, I hope things start to improve for you :).

Solivagant said:
Happy Birthday! I hope there's a better year in store for you.

Thanks....I wrote that post the other day when I was feeling really low, then I went out to take my mind off things for a while. That's what I'm trying to do today, just take a day and not think about any of the things that bother me, or much of anything really. Today I just want to mentally check out and try to just let myself at least feel okay.
Is it too early to put my kids to bed? lol

I wonder if their father will bother to show up tomorrow. That's all they've asked me all day. I won't lie to them and say yes, because he likely won't show up. He'll make some stupid excuse like he isn't feeling well, and then I'll find out he was out doing stupid **** he shouldn't have been doing and that's the reason he isn't feeling well. It would be nice if you treated your children half as well as you treat your stupid whore and those dogs of yours.....
barky said:
I'm thinking that it's been waaaaay too long since I slept with someone special beside me.

I feel that way too. I don't even know what it's like in the first place and I often wonder if I ever will. That's what I mean. Eventually I might sleep with someone beside me maybe, but will I ever get to experience someone special? The way things are going it doesn't look like it. Not anytime soon anyway.
I've been so busy lately and it's not going to stop. Quite happy with the situation. Surrounded by lovely people.
And let's not talk about you, mr super interesting with the awesome body build, hahahahA.

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