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TheRealCallie said:
Lacrecia said:
TheRealCallie said:

You're more kind than you think :D

Don't be spreading nasty rumors like that :club: lol <3
Sorry I'm a reputation ruiner :p

Thinking: I find it annoying that whenever you watch a program about depressed/sick people you have to be like "listens this concerns you." Just leave me alone already.
Thinking about washing Corrinas hair in a hot soapy bath...but she didn't want it washed
that's why she didn't want a shower...well tough....we can't always have what we want she's getting it washed,conditioned, and blow dried...and then thouroughly brushed...and she's just going to have to live with it....now pass me that warm fluffy towel and the therapy oil would you.....😚
Edit. I am frozen with shyness in group situations. :( i feel everything i say will be laughed at. Either that or i just do not care to try any more. I can only half ass it.
my golf game has gone up a notch. A simple new thing I'm doing.
I want to get to scratch next year.
I want to make a name for myself.
I just noticed that the lawyer from 'Breaking Bad' and one of the protagonists of the newest book I ordered have exactly the same name.

Coincidence? I have no freakin' clue. The book is the infamous and already 30-year-old "Illuminatus!" trilogy on top. So go get your tin foil hats. We surely are onto something here...
shadetree said:
TheSkaFish said:
shadetree said:
At least i can always talk to myself and my animals.

what kinds of animals do you have?

Sorry i just seen this, didnt realize i got a reply. Ive got six cats and two dogs. How about you? Any pets?

Wow, you've got quite a lot of beasties. What breeds are they (dogs ad cats)? And yes! I have Boomer, my Golden. You can see him in my picture :)
"I just have to remember that you're the pastry and they're the date."

Differentiating between Europeans is hard sometimes.
johnny196775Again said:
Edit. I am frozen with shyness in group situations. :( i feel everything i say will be laughed at. Either that or i just do not care to try any more. I can only half ass it.


I understand. I don't think many if any people here have laughed at you for anything you've posted here so far. Your choice if you want to post it of course. :)
I suppose I should be flattered when grown men resort to 6th-grade attacks because they can't defend their own illogical, unfounded claims. Not flattered, but not pissed. So that's progress. Indifference - an elixir from the gods...

Thinking: sleep tight
From now on, I am going to believe in myself. Other people do not believe in me, so the only person I can rely on is myself. So, I will believe in myself because my external sources of validation and support have failed. They do not care how I feel inside, and I am not being treated with kindness and compassion, so I have to give a **** about myself because no one else will.

I turn inward.

Note: Not directed at my friends. Directed at something else in my life.
TheSkaFish said:
Wow, you've got quite a lot of beasties. What breeds are they (dogs ad cats)? And yes! I have Boomer, my Golden. You can see him in my picture :)

Yeah im not so good in the people department, but animals and kids are the best people i know. Golden retrievers are great dogs btw. Mine are chihuahua boxer mix, dont ask me how that happened, i think they got a catapult lol.
jd7 said:
an elixir from the gods...

Sounds like something I'm in need of....don't spose you've got any to spare? Help a girl out wont you:p

I'm thinking: My concentration is pretty shot today....a cup of C8h10n4o2 is really gonna help....nawt! lol
Isn't the point of Cyber Monday to be on a MONDAY? Not an "extended Cyber Tuesday" ... As if Christmas talk before Halloween wasn't bad enough, they're talking about Valentine's day sales already... God, it just gets worse every year!