It shouldn't be this busy on a Monday morning of the last week of December. Even with so few clients around, there's just way too many things to do. I am utilising this break well. For my own sanity.
On another thought, I feel weird. I wonder how my body is going to adjust to different dosages of pills. I can already feel the weirdness with this higher dosage today. Just have to watch out for symptoms.
This morning as I was walking to work from the train station, I saw this disabled old man in a wheelchair, selling packets of tissues. He seems to have a condition where his body can't stop shaking and his head was bent to the side with his body bent forward. I see this man every morning on my way to work, but today something hit me. If this man, in that state can still make the effort to earn a living, how could I ever think of giving up? Despite what I have been through and what I am going through, I am bloody privileged to live the life I'm living.
This man will be in my thoughts and I will continue to always wish him well every day. Thank you, sir, for being a reminder to me to be grateful and not to ever give up.