I love how this one nurse makes the occasional crack about people sitting on their fat ***** doing messages instead of rooming patients, yet when she attempts to answer even a simple call from a patient, to say nothing of a call from another provider, a pharmacy or insurance company, let alone -god forbid - attempt to triage over the phone - her immediate reaction is to put them on hold and forward the message to me.
Make up your ******* mind. If the job that has been slid my way is so undemanding, that only a moron with a fat ass can do it, then ******* DO it and don't ask me how to do it when every call comes in... or: STFU about it and room the ******* patients while I handle the calls and messages, non-stop deluge of faxes and the ever-present walk-ins -putting out fires with irate patients, impatient providers and the unholy nightmares that are insurance companies.
There is a reason that they gave me this task. I am excellent at what I do. Believe it or not (my posts here notwithstanding) I am a people person, and very good at handling the myriad phone and walk-in crises which seem to erupt about every 5 minutes.
God, that felt good.