SophiaGrace said:
It's hard. It really is. You do have to stop and think about what idea or emotion you are trying to express by using a curse word…and then reword it. But this is replacing the curseword with something else rather than trying to suppress it, which is what I suspect you did.
Even now I curse sometimes, but it always feels wrong and really ugly when I do it. Curse words don't add any value to what I'm trying to say I find. I guess they emphasize things but I always feel like I could've said it differently.
Try using a swear jar. It helped me.
Usually, when I use a curse word, the idea or emotion I'm trying to express is contempt, disgust, frustration, anger, or hatred. Maybe replacing the curse word with another would help me convey my thoughts and feelings in a less caustic way, but maybe suppressing it is exactly what I need.
You might remember that I made a thread saying that I was troubled by obsessive morbid thoughts. I've found that these thoughts are at their worst when I am either under stress, or when I am thinking about a person, situation, idea or thing that I have strong negative feelings about. The venom just spills over into anything and everything like a boiling pot that overflows, and I find myself thinking horrible thoughts about those that I love, who have never been anything but sweet and good to me. That's what bothers me. There are these things I don't like, but I think my best bet is to just not think about them because to think about them always brings out my ugly side. I need to dial back things from "hate" to "dislike". Not for the sake for those I don't like, but for mine. Otherwise, eventually it makes me feel physically ill.
And I completely agree about how cursing can feel wrong or ugly. I have always felt the same. I remember as a kid when people my age around me started to curse, to try and act tough and "cool" and I remember really not liking that at all. I thought, why do you have to make everything dark by acting this way? For the longest time I did not curse, but eventually things started making me really angry. But then I felt like I had become an uglier, more negative person. So I'm trying to wean myself off of it because it's never really helped anything.