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I just found my leg was in deep ****. Oh man! Yikes! so disgusting! I thought it was honey or something sweeter. man! even smelled like it. but when I tasted it, it was so disgusting, Eeewwww. yikes, yikes yikes!!! Ruined my taste. Anybody got some HolyWater? I'm feeling impure. Seriously, One Hell of an experience. I mean who have thought I would eat **** but man! I did. boy o boy.

Rose, Do you have some HolyWater?
Hell Yeah! I mean Holy Yeah. argh...Yeah!!! Thanks for help Man :D
Don't ask for a kiss in return :p I'm not going to kiss you, No way. No. or ummm....may be. but I don't think I can do that. I haven't kissed any guys yet. My girl would so angry, she would kill me, so No. Sorry :p

*washing my feet in holy water*

Thanks again. I'm feeling little sacred :D
I'm thinking. Yeah, sometimes I do.

I have read it almost everywhere... Bad things happen to good people.

Then what things happen to Bad people? If there are bad people that is.

I'm wondering...
That's funny, a new colleague asked me why I left my longest relationship, I told her why and she looked at me and said, but you are alone now. I asked her if she would be willing to put up with the same, she said its better to have that than be alone. I don't think she understood what I said after that.
I know you've been wanting to get back to work, but holy ****, you NEED to go to the doctor. You better go soon or I will have to rethink some things.