my mother walked for three miles to go take some food that a) I didn't ask her for (and I especially told her not to get tired aimlessly) b) picked only things that I hate or that I can't eat c) pushed me into a fight following me around the house so that the neighbour came to complain.
For the second time I left her my plants for some days and she killed them all, while swearing over the phone that they were fine.
She came to pick me up at the airport, the temperature had dropped at winter levels, and she came wearing only a T-shirt in the rain and got a cold (fine print between the lines: it's my fault).
Codependency is a terrible thing.
And by the way: how did those three pins find their way inside my bed? if she just spilled them why were they buried under the covers, inside the sheets? and why there were none in any other places, and she had no explanation about why she should put pins in clothes over my bed, of all places?
I think it's time to go... And then I am the bad one because I can't stand all this. There is no way of winning this one, I will always be the bad person.