Continuation of thinking day...
Which one is more appropriate? Sharp and deceiving Or blunt and hurting? To be honest I don't like either of them. Must be some sort of middle ground, like union of two different entity and resulting product is far better than the original one. Like, True and comforting. But the ingredients are missing again. How to speak the truth when It hurt too much, and comforting How is it possible that something which is hurtful is comforting in any sense. Damn! fogged mind again.
It is enocouraged to speak truth all the time but how do one adapt to it when speaking the truth can really kill someone? Would anyone do that? I'll lie when it comes to this. I'll bear the pain myself then letting anyone else have it. Enduring the pain, hehehe. Something I'm born with it in plenty. LOL, once there was a time when people actually asked me specifically "do you ever feel any pain?" And I simply smiled in return cause I can't make them understand and even If i try like I have tried before they won't understand it anyway. better bear it up than let people know it and let them make fun of it later on, yes, that is what I have gone through, First words of sympathy and comfort and later on...well, not worth mentioning.
I guess everyone of us here has gone through that stage, and some has faced it too many times. I wonder how they cope it...