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lonelypanda said:
I have a love/hate relationship with being tall. If I'm having a self-confident day, all dressed up and feeling good about myself it makes me feel model-esque. My ex bf loves tall skinny girls so he helped boost my self esteem in that aspect and helped me get over alot of issues with people knocking me for being tall, like it's not as feminine or cute to be tall.

Is 5'7" considered tall for a woman? I'm between 5'6" and 5'7" (5' 6 3/4", I think), and I've always thought myself an average height (albeit the tall side of average). I've never been knocked for my height, but that may be because there are worse things about me to pick on.

My particular height is a nuisance when it comes to buying pants. The average size is always just a little too short, but the tall size is way too long.
Solivagant said:
lonelypanda said:
I have a love/hate relationship with being tall. If I'm having a self-confident day, all dressed up and feeling good about myself it makes me feel model-esque. My ex bf loves tall skinny girls so he helped boost my self esteem in that aspect and helped me get over alot of issues with people knocking me for being tall, like it's not as feminine or cute to be tall.

Is 5'7" considered tall for a woman? I'm between 5'6" and 5'7" (5' 6 3/4", I think), and I've always thought myself an average height (albeit the tall side of average). I've never been knocked for my height, but that may be because there are worse things about me to pick on.

My particular height is a nuisance when it comes to buying pants. The average size is always just a little too short, but the tall size is way too long.

I think it depends on where you live. I've noticed I'm taller than most girls around me.

I also have the exact same problem with pants, it's so annoying! I have so many problems buying clothes I get so happy when something fits me perfect. I had one pair of jeans that was amazing, length/hip/butt and then I went to sneak into a private lake to fish in it and when I jumped the fence I ripped the crotch open, so devastating!!
lonelypanda said:
I have so many problems buying clothes I get so happy when something fits me perfect. I had one pair of jeans that was amazing, length/hip/butt and then I went to sneak into a private lake to fish in it and when I jumped the fence I ripped the crotch open, so devastating!!

Me too! I had one pair of jeans that fit me perfectly, but then the crotch ripped open. So sad...
If you throw around insults, you're bound to have some hurled back at you. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
The world passes by so quickly. So much has changed, and here I am struggling to catch up. I wish certain things would remain consistent.

TheSkaFish said:
Never mind.

I could really use some cheering up today.

I just saw this - hope you were cheered soon enough. I would've given you a nudge had I seen this sooner. :\

Hope you're feeling better at least, take care.
You know what? fresia it. I don't want to make myself better any more. Forget my responsibilities. I quit. Now just leave me alone. You ruined it for me. Don't bother screaming at a man already on his deathbed.
If you are out there I am waiting. I crave touch and a simple brush on the cheek would heal me.
Hey Joe... Okay, but he makes you better. So, while you're alright alone, he's better by himself. So he makes you better. Got it? Sure you do.

Solivagant said:
If you throw around insults, you're bound to have some hurled back at you. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

Ain't that the truth...
I don't understand why it's so ******* hard to pay your ******* bills.....time to grow the fresia up and get your priorities straight, dumbfuck.
I do love my little men and lady. They're awesome. I wish they'd stop getting older.
lonelypanda said:
Hope you're in a better mood today.

Hey, thanks Panda. Monday was a little rough, Tuesday things were still a little messy. Today went much better though.

Btw, that big guy you posted brought a smile to my face, when it was very much needed :D

Latent said:
I hope you feel better soon. Here is a hug.


Thank you very much for the hug, Latent. I had a much better day today than the last 2 days.

((hugs)) right back.

ladyforsaken said:
I just saw this - hope you were cheered soon enough. I would've given you a nudge had I seen this sooner. :\

Hope you're feeling better at least, take care.

No worries about being late, it's the thought that counts. Thank you as always LadyF. I am indeed feeling much better today.

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