It can't be you. And I am ok with that.
Paraiyar said:I wish it was 2007 again except I know everything now that I did then.
Cavey said:I need to be barred from anything with a keyboard.
Serenia said:^ 1999 for me...
ladyforsaken said:Today was one of the worst days I've had at work. Even the nastiest clients didn't bring me down this badly. There is definitely a difference between pushing myself and overpushing myself.
I'm literally thinking of taking tomorrow off, but I really can't. And that doesn't ever happen with me when it comes to work. I never take leave unless I'm unwell, or gotta go somewhere. Sigh...
Rodent said:"Get your ******* head straight, Rodent." ...of course I'm not calling myself Rodent in my own head, but you get the idea.
Rodent said:TheSkaFish said:Perusing Facebook tonight, saw an old teammate's profile and noticed he was posting a lot of articles about things related to his field, but he did so in a way that suggested he was actually interested in it. He was immersed in it. It just made me think, that's how I need to be about my interests. I need to dive in. No more clowning around. If I'd done this earlier, I'd have had more to talk about, more to show for myself, and maybe I would have been seen as more interesting.
Not necessarily...considering how this behavior of "oversharing" can come across as anything ranging from interested to annoying or desperately insecure. But that's just me. I think you're more interesting if you can contribute to any sensible conversation with vast knowledge which is rooted in your various interests. Not randomly going "Hey, look at me! Let me share the things I like with you. LET ME!" ...this reminds me of those people who keep tons of pictures in their wallet and show them to anyone.
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