so you know how sometimes we talk about how people will like indirectly kill themselves with drugs or other hazordous behaviour.
But becuase I'm way too much of loser chicken to try anything illegal
recently i have been eating really unhealthy stuff, like I've had like 4 bags of microwave popcorn in the last 2 days, and I've been drinking tons of soda and other caffinated beverages, this might not sound too bad but I never ussally eat this unhealthy, ugg.
i just love microwave popcorn soda potato chips and that stuff.
I probably sound like some gross fat lady,
I'm not or at least i really hope i don't ever become one.
no offense to fat people por anything, but they take up a loot of room in the hallways and i just don't want to be one
tehe, ya sorry if thats kinda offensive
it just taste so good,
ahh God bless the national food industry for let it forget our cares, despite that they may return in even greater numbers