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niceguysfinishlast said:
Volt said:
Richard_39 said:
Try cutting big spanish onions. Dare you to not cry after 10 minutes.

None of those in my house, i have a wall.

Don't tell Trump about that wall, he might want it. XP
Of course not. He's got a much bigger one. A much better one. A much much MUCH one, it's beautiful and awesome and most of all it's better than YOU.


Thinking about the Trumpster now at 9 in the morning. I hate you Niceguys :p
I guess I start looking around. There is just way too much ******** going on there. The sad thing is there are good things too, but I think the bad outweighs the good. It's pretty bad when MY kid doesn't even want to go there anymore.
So it's not just me who thinks my manager is legitimately... off. This is the second coworker who's referred to her as crazy or sociopathic.

She has a personality disorder. I'm not sure what. But there's something very wrong with anyone who doggedly insists that the register that's unable to scan cards isn't broken, it's non-functioning.

How do these people get into management when even customers have incidents with them?
My skin is all messed up and I officially look like **** nowadays. Eh. It's upsetting me.
Paraiyar said:
I keep starting books and not getting far into them. Need to break this habit.

Me too, I have 2 on the go and haven't finished either yet. One has been more years than I can remember.

bleed_the_freak said:
TheLoadedDog said:
Wondering if drinking straws have one hole or two.

My mind is blown.

Holy mind screw, I came here to post something else and now this is all I can think about.
Richard_39 said:
...that's a low blow, dammit.

Come on...I mean, it HAS to be only one hole, right?

Does one tunnel have two openings?

If you turn a tunnel on its side, vertical, is it not like a drinking straw?

Does it have then...two holes...omg?
I'm being overdramatic tonight and it's going to bite my ass tomorrow morning.
Eh. We all know I like sabotaging my own life.
For the first time since childhood I can say that I worked out every day this week. :O

I made up for it though by eating like a pig :)