LostintheBardo said:MissBehave said:Cucuboth said:LostintheBardo said:Why do so many people claim to be open minded when they aren't?
Because most people will just say whatever they think is the popular thing to say, whatever they think most people want to hear. Just like a herd of sheep really.
People acting like that is as interesting as a bag of flour. Plain, white and dry.
I don't just mean it in that way though, like people may say they are open minded to certain ideas outside of the way they view the world but it becomes apparent real fast that they definitely aren't and they will just ignore any evidence in favour of the idea in question.
Most people want to be right. Even if the evidence points against their view. How often do we hear the phrase “fake news” being used now, when most of the time it just means that it goes against their view or belief.
That I am absolutely totally alone in this world. Physically and emotionally invisible. You won’t be seen if nobody tries to see you. And I don’t just mean visually. I am invisible because nobody has ever really looked at me with their heart.