Hoping I haven't gotten in over my head.
Excel was fairly easy to memorize and get a feel for. Access was a little harder.
Visualizations with Excel and Power BI so far are WAY harder. Lots more to memorize, and much more dense to understand. I've never been that good with, and easily overwhelmed by, computer-y things. But, that's where the money is (especially since the medical field is out of the question for me - really not into blood, diseases, parasites, etc.)
I feel like I've gotten myself into a situation that doesn't play to my strengths, cause I don't feel like I'm very good at this. But that's the problem, I've never felt like I had any strengths, like there ever was anything I had a knack for, or was particularly good at.
Not knowing what I'm good at, what is my best chance at success, has been the bane of my existence.
It's led me to just try to guess whatever pays the most, but not actually being good at those things.
Still, I have to look at it that way cause I want to escape frustration. The level I was born at in life, it wasn't great to begin with. And since the 2008 recession, it's only been getting worse every year. I don't mean to be offensive or ungrateful but it is the truth. Chances are, whoever is reading this, that you live a higher standard of living than I do.
I don't know what I actually like, what I'm curious about, how I would actually want to contribute to the world. I've pretty much always had to approach it from, "what can I do that actually pays?", because like I said, I've wanted to escape my level in life and get to experience something better before my life ends. But I have no idea what I'm actually suited to.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just feeling a little bit discouraged right now.